A WTF morning.

So, I started three different blogs this morning, I delayed two of them cuz the links I was trying to use on the city website weren’t working. The third, I decided to save for tomorrow. Plus, I think I was just so disconcerted this morning after reading the WSJ and watching the channel 3 news.

All I can keep thinking is wtf? I went to bed, as I think many of my neighbors did, thinking that the Marquette and Lapham schools would not be consolidated. At least that was what we were told by the very folks that were voting on this issue. It’s been 4 hours since I read the news and I think I’m still stunned. This is so totally unacceptable. As downtown neighborhoods struggle to increase homeownership, keep housing affordable, bring and keep families downtown and create neighborhoods that have a high quality of life, this is a huge blow. And how ridiculous is it that we will have to bus our kids across East Washington because it is too hard for the kids to cross, instead of having so many of our kids being able to walk to school. I have to believe that the $522,000 they saved just wasn’t worth it. And I’m afraid that future school referendums will suffer as a result. Please contact your state representatives today – something has to be done about school funding.

My second wtf moment was a little more petty. Who cares who gets the credit? Seriously.

The point is, there is now $3.8M in the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and that is good news for the families who, for years to come, will be assisted by this fund. Now, since I’m on the Housing Committee, I guess I’d better get to work making that money work for us as we reach our goal of $10M. I’ve already started talking to the chair of the affordability sub-committee about three ideas. Stay tuned!


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