Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

Gender, Managers and Salaries

In my quest for knowledge about the role of gender in employment for the City of Madison, I have some more information. ...

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

And then there were 5 . . .

A while ago I posted about the lack of women in top leadership positions in the City of Madison. And the trend continues....

Gender Watch: Still no change.

Men are still being appointed to City Committees 2 times for every 1 woman.Of the appointments submitted on May 15th that we will be...

Gender Resolutions, Expanded and Supported.

The Affirmative Action Commission, not only liked my resolutions, they expanded the scope of the information that they thought would be helpful to the...

Gender (and Race and Disability): Preliminary information

The Affirmative Action subcommittee had their first meeting on the "gender resolutions". The two resolutions asked them to research and report (by Feb...

More on the City of Madison and Gender

It's not just the City of Madison employees, based on current appointments posted on the web today:Of the 805 appointments to the 88 Standing...