I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn’t going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made dinner and laid down. I was freezing so I covered up and fell asleep. Now, in the early am, I’m awake, sick/can’t sleep cuz of runny nose and cough and waiting for the cold medicine to kick in, so . . . here’s what I have for today . . .

Looks like council leadership (Tim Bruer, President and Mark Clear, Pro Tem), Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and Bob Dunn (Hammes Company) didn’t come to any agreement today. They’re meeting again on Tuesday.

I’ve been hearing about this, but was sworn to secrecy, that’s why Barrett scooped me! 😛 Guess it’s not a very big secret as this went out over a neighborhood listserve or two:

Today there was a meeting at the Ho-Chunk Nation office on Mendota Street to discuss their plans to develop the Union Corners property located at East Washington Avenue and Milwaukee Street. There were about 20 people including Alders Rummel, Palmer and Rhodes-Conway, reps from nearby neighborhood associations, including SASYNA, and other groups interested in development of this site (i.e. Commonwealth, Project Home, Eco Realty, Progressive Party, Urban Farming, etc.). The nation plans to purchase the entire property and would like to develop it over an eight year period. The very preliminary plans for the first phase include a building for nation offices and a nation museum, a health center and daycare center. The office/museum would be located at the very visible East Wash/Milwaukee Street corner. Phase 2 might include a gas station/convenience store. Phase 3 might include affordable apartments and senior housing with a public meeting hall. A grocery store is possible and the nation is open to partnerships with other businesses or organizations. There are no plans for a casino. The nation has similar types of developments elsewhere in Wisconsin including health care, child care and community centers.

Plans are very preliminary and will be open for input from surrounding neighbors and interested organizations. Joe Green from Ho-Chunk Nation discussed their plans. He grew up in the neighborhood and attended East High. He made it clear the nation wanted to create a project which benefited the neighborhood and city. The project would be affordable and environmentally positive including features such as solar panels and low energy consumption. It would fit into the existing neighborhood so buildings would be shorter than previously proposed for the McGrath development. They would not remove the property from the tax rolls so it would contribute property taxes for Madison schools and services.

A decision to pursue this project will be made by the nation during January. By the end of the January, preliminary plans for the property would be available for review by the public during meetings with interested parties. SASYNA was very involved in the original plans for Union Corners and will continue to involved. Stay tuned for more info during the new year.

There was a very positive reception to the Ho-Chunk plans for Union Corners. This is a very positive development for the neighborhood.

Looks like it wasn’t a big secret if all those people were there and its on list serves and even Barrett knows about it. 🙂 Giggle. I’m just always glad when someone tells me something is confidential, and I can’t be accused of being the leak.

Giggle. This article chooses a funny example (and picture) given the above. And points out how out of touch the council leadership is.

Joe Tarr from the Isthmus gets the Mayor to talk about his agenda for the city. And uses a progressive as Mayor Dave’s foil. I suppose he had to, since I’m not sure others have a vision for what the city should be working on in the next year. I happen to agree with Satya Rhodes-Conway and I’m happy she was able to clearly articulate an alternative as good progressives do, I’m just frustrated that the story doesn’t have an agenda from the moderates or conservatives on the council. Is this part of the positioning towards the right of the Mayor – or did no one else have an agenda? Or don’t they want to admit what their agenda is?

The Mayor’s agenda is crime. And then there’s these other things:
– building support for a referendum on regional transit next fall
– breaking ground on the new Central Library
– winning federal support for high-speed rail
– improving relationships with the business community
– and pursuing green initiatives, like making the city more bike-friendly and energy-efficient.

Rhodes-Conway counters with:
– strong attention to economic development – she says. “I don’t mean attracting large companies. I mean helping support and grow the businesses we have.”
– review some basic economic development mechanisms, like tax increment financing and put a process in place for evaluating job creation proposals for TIF
– equal review of downtown and periphery projects
– help people in these tough economic times, pay attention to community services

Heh, people. Notice the mayor didn’t mention people who are struggling or community services, even tho they are going through an extensive review of their funding processes and priorities.

Falk gets it right, focusing on jobs.

This note from the Mayor was forwarded to me with the title above . . . can’t say I’m surprised.

I wanted you to be among the first to know that I’ve made a decision about the City IT Director position. I’m pleased to welcome Paul Kronberger to the City of Madison.

Paul has an extensive background in IT. He started his career in the City of Milwaukee IT Department, has worked for the Wisconsin Department of Revenue as IT Director and the Wisconsin Department of Commerce as IT Director. After a few years in the private sector, Paul is eager to return to the public sector to serve the City of Madison.

This was certainly not an easy choice, as we had three very qualified finalists for the position. Dave Faust and Rich Beadles have been the consummate professionals throughout this lengthy process and throughout their careers. I thank them for that and I know that they will continue to make great contributions as we move forward.

You will have the opportunity to learn more as Paul’s confirmation comes through the Council. I look forward to you all having a chance to meet Paul.

I don’t know what the applicant pool is, but I’m glad someone is noticing the trend besides me. It may or may not be a valid comment, but, I’d like to hear the Mayor articulate what they are doing to bring gender equity to the leadership in the city. Think maybe the next planning director might be a woman? Ok, I bet not.

Um, no, he’s not smokin’ it. He has an opinion on it. An interesting one at that.

Hmmm, I found this article curious. Joel DeSpain says the following:

“The crime took place outside, and one of the four suspects had a handgun,” DeSpain said.

However, if you read to the end of the story you find out:

“Money and electronic items were taken during the robbery, and one suspect was found carrying at least one stolen item,” DeSpain said. “Officers also recovered a facsimile handgun.”

If the second statement is correct, shouldn’t the first statement perhaps have been worded differently?

Was I running against Noble Wray? David Blaska claims the following:

In the spring election, Police Chief Noble Wray and the police union defeated Brenda Konkel.

[NOTE: When I quote someone, I provide a link, to provide the reader with easy access to information and to ensure I don’t take something out of context and to keep things honest. It would be kinda cool if professional newspapers would hold their bloggers to the same standards.]

Good night, happy holidays to those who will be celebrating over the next few days and stay safe on the roads.


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