Your Turn, Please Help.

If you read my blog even 1/3 of the time you are well versed to help . . . please email your alders and county board supes – it’ll take only a few moments! It’s been five years we have been talking about where the homeless can go to the bathroom without being ticketed – there is one portapotty hidden away in the Dane County parking ramp. This is the third year in a row we are scrambling to find a warming center and it may be the worst plan yet. Where do 150 homeless people go on the weekend, the library? Which is only open 1 – 5 on Sunday. How do you get rid of lice is there is no place to shower. Currently there is 1 shower available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 – 2:30. The county board gave money and a van to Porchlight to provide transportation for a year, but the money only covers through the end of March and they can only give 15 people a ride at a time. This is embarrassing at best.

Tuesday at the City Council meeting, Wednesday County Board Health and Human Needs! Restrooms, showers, lockers, laundry, bus tickets etc needed until the permanent comprehensive homeless day center opens! Support budget amendments to make it happen. If you can’t attend, email your alders and county board supes! It’s crunch time!

Item 4 is the Budget, the council has $30K left before they hit the levy limit. Ask for $20K for potapotties, showers, lockers, daytime storage and laundry. They were close to adding this at the Board of Estimates meeting but they were not sure about the numbers. If you can’t make it email and ask them to fund these basic services. If you want to speak, tell a story about why these items are needed. Otherwise register in support and write a comment on the form (there is no space to do it, but just write it on there)

Heidi Wegleitner has two amendments that need support. $50,000 to run the day center starting in June. The other is $50,000 – $15,900 for shower access, $10,000 for bus passes, $9,850 for potapotties, $7,500 for space for Shine and grassroots orgs plus daytime storage until the day center opens and $6,750 for laundry. If you can’t make email as they are certainly hearing from others about other priorities! Tell a story about how the money will make a difference!

Thank you! Your support at this crucial time will make a difference for those who really need it!

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