Wow. City-County Building has near 50 people sleeping there now.

Even I was surprised when I walked out of the City-County Building last night, there were likely about 50 people sleeping out there, nearly doubling what it has been recently. And that number may grow. Makes the Occupy encampments start to look good

Why the increase?11027126_10153931026318492_7995500719726494477_n
Men are out of days at the shelter. Days reset on November 1 and if people stayed in shelter over the winter and took advantage of the “free” days when there were “cold nights” below 20 degrees, you’re staring to run out of days, starting on last Sunday I believe. So, while the population has grown, expect more to be coming.


Miss Occupy?
At least at Occupy people had some privacy in their tents, which protected them from the weather. And there was a kitchen area, agreed upon self-security, multiple portapotties, a little electricity and some semblance of a unified community. This is doesn’t have all that and if there are problems, either the hired security takes care of it or the police are called.


All that stuff
Wow. I don’ think all that would fit at the city paid for storage facility in the Social Justice Center.





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