Will they, or won’t they?

Um, that City Housing Committee . . . can they manage to meet to disband themselves in their current format?

The Tenant Landlord Committee for yesterday, was cancelled. Surprise, surprise.

And now, the Housing Committee was sent this note.

The next Housing Committee meeting is on May 2, 2012. It is imperative that we have quorum to address the legislative files which concern breaking up the Housing Committee into two separate committees. Chair Porterfield has requested that all members be present, as there are still 5 vacancies on this Committee.

Committee Members: Please advise me whether or not you will be attending the meeting no later than Wednesday, April 25, 2012.

Here’s the agenda for their meeting, its packed full of current important issues.

To be fair to them, they are missing 1/3 of their committee which the mayor never appointed, just like our old Mayor. And, Soglin’s original idea was to have a 5 member Housing Committee. The committee size has grown a little, but still a 7 member committee still means that if two people meet with each other, they risk being a walking quorum unless the publicly notice the meeting. That’s absurd.


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