Weekend Round Up 10/14/19

Friday’s was jam packed, this one is a little light.  Lots of items in the news columns tho!






Higher Ed



I just wanted to include this again, because I can’t believe Mike Verveer included this picture in his updates to the downtown neighborhoods!  🙂

The City of Madison’s West Washington-West Mifflin (Mifflandia) Special Area Plan planning process is nearing conclusion. The Public Review Draft of the Plan was introduced as a Madison Common Council Resolution and is under review by several City committees and commissions. The draft plan can be found here.

The plan analyzes opportunities within a small area centered upon the 400-500 blocks of West Mifflin Street and West Washington Avenue. The Downtown Plan (adopted in 2012) established a vision for the future transformation of this area, and recommended a more detailed plan for the future. To accomplish this, City Planning staff utilized a public engagement strategy called “Mifflandia” to interact with students, residents, businesses, property owners, and other stakeholders. “Mifflandia” used a lighthearted name to engage people who may not normally be interested in urban planning, and utilizes unique techniques reach a wide audience.

The result of this engagement was the development of plan recommendations for more detailed design standards and implementation strategies for the planning areas. The plan also addresses land use, preservation, redevelopment opportunities, building and streetscape design, open space, activity nodes and connectivity to the abutting neighborhoods.

The Common Council is scheduled to review the plan at its meeting of Tuesday, November 5. The Common Council legislative file can be found here. It includes the recommendations of reviewing City committees and commissions.

You may review past information and data resources, as well as sign up for further plan updates, on the project website. Thank you for your input and comments during this planning process.


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