Wednesday Round Up

Nothing about who is running for governor or which websites went black yesterday here, just local stuff that I can find!


Drug overdoses increasing but not resulting in more deaths. City and County have a plan.

The irony of Madison and Martin Luther King Day celebrations.

GAB-CAM – makes me laugh. Good idea! Who knew so many would be so interested in the mundane? (Ok, that one was only kinda local)

Celebrating killing a 75 – 100 year old tree?

200 jobs for Madison area?
a) Do we want Waukesha style homes in the Madison area? b) Are these jobs that were previously lost? c) Can the housing market really support these new jobs? d) Do they have any land use approvals for these jobs? e) Is this just another one of those things where they take credit for “jobs” that are already here because they provide additional work for the people already employed? f) Ouch.

Walker screw of the day.

There’s so much wrong with this article in the WSJ, I don’t know where to begin. But let’s start with this.

Bill Johnston, publisher of the Wisconsin State Journal and co-chair of Advance Now’s strategy committee, said keeping the effort regional is critical.

No snowmobiling in Middleton city limits. Really.


WSJ can’t bring themselves to say anything nice about Madison business climate, even with Oscar Mayer staying here – Madison apparently had nothing to do with that decision. Mayor sees it a little different.

Nice little story on Katie Crawley. Didn’t know she helped start Triple M! Thank you!

St. Pauls Student Chapel moves forward. Ok, but what was the vote? It used to be 14 stories, how many now? Why is the Wisconsin State Journal acting like a real estate developers PR instead of a newspaper. Anyone else noticing this trend?

More PR for developers from the Wisconsin State Journal. Is that all they found of interest in the last council agenda? Kinda funny given that they trash Madison all the time about the process and then report projects moving forward – extreme disconnect.


It’s cold, people need shelter. The men’s shelter doesn’t turn anyone away in this weather. The women and children are so lucky. If they don’t get the slot in the warming shelter, there is no place for them to go. Do that story instead please.


4 year old kindergarten registration.

Killing the local bookstore.
UW contributes in a huge way, this is just the latest. And in the end, the students might not save any money, the UW will just get it instead.


County Board Executive Committee discussing their audit.
Economic Development Committee discussion on the Downtown Plan
Changes in how the city funds non-profits
Madison Elections Advisory committee discussions
Discussions about phosphorus in the lakes and what we can do about it
Sidewalk replacements plan for the city


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