Vicki Mckenna’s Peer Group

I recently wrote an article about why I personally left the Catholic Church. What summed it all up to me, was a picture of Bishop Morlino, celebrating Vicki Pyzinski’s radio show.


See today, Vicki and 6 of her friends, decided to use their Labor Day off(that the unions were able to secure from them) to head to Capitol and get permission from Scott Walker to sing his praises.

Well today also, “Miss Vicky? showed her true colors and her secret identity, as a member of “Knot My Wisconsin” or “Knotsie” for short. The Knotsies, got their start during the recall election as “operation Burn Notice“. where a group of anonymous cowards decided to band together, gather recall signatures and burn them. Typically, they turned out to be, big wind, lot of dust and no rain. After their bluff was called during the recall, they decided to change their name to “knot my wisconsin” and do what they do best. Anonymously spew hatred and vitriol.

Here are some highlights:

It has been a few days since the news of the John Doe investigation being closed, but there are still a few hangers making complete asses of themselves in OUR Capitol building. I have no idea why these idiots continue to occupy our beautiful rotunda. Perhaps they are homeless and has nowhere else to go. Maybe there are complete losers and the recall gave them a purpose to live and now that it is done, they want to continue to hang on to their pathetic pipe dream. Whatever the reason, it is about time Capitol Police take control and ticket those who continue to smell up the People’s building

In an apparent show of solidarity for a group of Wisconsin whack-a-doodles, many Wisconsin liberal women are actually doing what a mere few months ago seemed unthinkable. Yep, they are actually trimming their mustaches and showing up in droves to stand with their comrades during the daily sing-a-longs at the Wisconsin state capital

I personally was a “victim” of one of their lack of creativity unoriginal rants:

So why is Jeff Simpson so insecure about with women? Does his wife know that he bullies women on the internet? Perhaps its time she finds out? Perhaps Jeff is in an abusive relationship?

it is also the same group that threatened the lives of some local activists and called it a joke!

The whole time remaining anonymous and even answering reporters questions, anonymously.

Now, we know who their leader is.

Check out the air freshener around her neck.

I wonder when JB Van Hollen or even Chief Erwin will get serious about crime and question her about the death threats? If Miss Vicky did not personally issue the death threats, I bet she knows who did.

I also wonder if her sponsors are aware of what she does in her spare time and who she associates with. I wonder if this or this are things they want associated with their products?

Remember that the next time WIBA-AM shows up at a live promo. That the racism and vitriol, hatred and death threats by the group Vicki Mckenna Associates with went unpunished and uninvestigated.

Bishop Morlino however, might want to rethink his friend group. I am pretty sure Jesus looked down upon death threats!

More on today’s event and the knotsies from Capper.


  1. So why, Jeff, do you write a blog proving their point — that you stalk women? (At least you’ve quit harassing Sunny Schubert. I think.) Because even Joe McCarthy would be embarrassed by your flimsy guilt by association.

  2. Guilt by association? who the hell associates with a group so full of hatred? O wait Vicki Mckenna does.

    I would hope that someone would talk to her about the death threats that they knotsies posted online but we all know that Chief Erwin, JB Van Hollen, Scott Walker, etc have no interest in the rule of law just advancing their cause.

    Its funny how people with a public forum think that being held to account is harrassment.

  3. You and the Slymer are a pair of jacks. You got proof, take it to the Ismael Ozanne. He seems to like you guys. But you don’t even have a decent hyperlink. And don’t talk to me about the “rule of law” when you won’t even apply for a permit, which has been a requirement since 1979. Try your little temper tantrums in the Madison federal building; get to meet the nice federal marshals.

  4. Yes you are so brave as to get a permit for 8 of your friends to sing the praises of Scott Walker. Thomas Paine would be proud

    Why didn’t you give out twinkies?

    As for the Jesse Jackson quote….what? take a breath before you start typing, so an actual thought can form!

  5. Jeff, why do you lie? You know you are lying. Obviously, you’ve got nothing so you lie, but the end justify the means to you, no? Nothing else to say. LIAR.

  6. Yep. And up in Merrill, WI, the Catholic priest, Fr. Michael McLain, arch conservative who says he doesn’t preach from the pulpit but then strongly suggests that voting for any (Democrat) that supports a woman’s right to choose will GO. TO. HELL. …cancelled, this last Sunday, the church’s participation in the Labor Day celebration at the local fairgrounds. Many church members were grousing about that little bit of “Christian” support for workers — but, not surprised.


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