Vicki McKenna, Afraid of Debate?

So, I took a week off from blogging and there is so much to catch up on. One of the things that happened recently was a bit of a surprise to me. Everyone knows that AM radio and at least one TV station here in town and one newspaper is pretty much dominated by a more conservative/less liberal point of view. However, I always kind of thought that when you pressed them, they would at least try to appear just a little bit fair. They might disagree with “facts” and they won’t provide equal time, but they at least try to put up the appearance of being fair.

That’s why I was surprised when Michael Jacob called in to the Vicki McKenna show while Ald. Jed Sanborn was on the air and he was refused access. Flat out refused. At first, I thought there might be more to the story or that there was something that had happened that maybe Vicki was offended by. However, that wasn’t the case. In fact, later, when I talked to Alder Sanborn who was on the air with Vicki at the time, he was equally surprised and I think disappointed by this refusal.

Turns out, Ald. Sanborn even asked Vicki why she wouldn’t let Michael Jacob on the air and she said something to the effect that “Progressive Dane has their own show” for an hour on Saturday. Ok, what show? I asked around, no one has a clue what she is talking about. And even if it was true, one hour a week to balance out Vicki McKenna and Mitch Henck?

Now, I’m not really complaining at this point. I don’t know who has time to listen to these shows. And worse yet, I don’t know who has the patience to hear the same blather over and over and over again. I’m just surprised that when given an opportunity to debate or engage in a discussion, that they would pass and not even let someone on the air. What’s Vicki afraid of?


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