The Boys vs. The Girls

Last week, much of the local political gossip was about the Democratic Party endorsements. I didn’t attend cuz I’m not a Democrat and haven’t been for some time, but it is my understanding that they endorsed Julia Kerr, Brian Solomon, Aaron Backer, Gary Poulson, Mark Clear, Joe Claussius. 5 men and 1 woman.

Last night, when I was sitting in the Green Party endorsement interviews it struck me that based on the interviews, the Greens could be endorsing 5 women. They don’t vote until next week Monday, but the stark contrast stuck me.

Currently, there are only 6 women on the Common Council. Judy Compton, Lauren Cnare, Robbie Webber and myself are not among the retiring. Cindy Thomas and Judy Olson are. Theoretically, we could be down to three women if all of the men won. In fact, of the people running we are guaranteed men in 8 races. And the statistical odds in the rest of the races aren’t so hot. In addition to the unchallenged incumbents Mike Verveer, Tim Bruer and Zach Bradon, a man is guaranteed to win the the following races:

* = incumbent

District 1
Aaron Backer
Jed Sanborn*

District 9
Paul Skidmore*
Larry Pasha

District 10 Ken Golden*
Nick Dorneanu
Thomas McClure
Chris Ogden
Brian Solomon

District 18 Paul VanRooy*
Andy Lindgren
Michael Schumacher
Jon Becker
Benito Juarez Olivas

District 19 Noel Radomski*
Curt Brink
Mark Clear

Even in the races where women are running, they are outnumbered in several cases. 2 races have 3 men and 1 woman running. All things being equal, the women would only have a 25% chance of winning.

District 6 Judy Olson*
Brooks McGrath
Marsha Rummel
Carl Durocher
Adam Casey, exempt

District 12 Brian Benford*
Michael Basford
Satya Rhodes-Conway
Mark Deadman
Marcus Watson

Three races have 2 men and 1 woman. All things being equal, the women only have a 33.3% chance of winning.

District 11
Tim Gruber*
Sandra Saul
Christopher Schmidt

District 13 Isadore Knox
Julia Kerr
Duane Steinhauer
Mike Clark

District 15
Larry Palm*
Vicky Selkowe
Mark Schmitt

We have three match ups where the chances are 50-50.

District 5
Troy Thiel
Robbie Webber*

District 8 Austin King*
Lauren Woods
Eli Judge

District 20 Cindy Thomas
Gary Poulson
Thuy Pham-Remmele

And only one races where the odds favor the women.

District 17 Santiago Rosas
Joe Clausius
Sarah Florino
Mary Thornton

In order for there to be 100% gender balance on the council, 7 women and 2 men can win in races where there are choices between gender. If that were to happen, how would that change the way the council does business? Could there be a little less chest beating and game playing and a little more listening and governing with a heart? Would it change the way lobbyists approach the Council and how they try to influence us? Would there be a little less deal making with your chums at the men’s basketball game and a little more actual discussion on the floor of the Council? Or, would us women fall all over ourselves trying to act like the men and help to repeat the games played at the scene at the Democratic Party meeting this last week? Could women help change the culture of the Council to one where we focus on governing instead of “playing politics”? Or would it just be more of the same?

Sorry, guys. You’re nice, but sometimes the way to accomplish your goals is a little less than ideal. I don’t think gender is the only thing that can change the way politics is done, but I sure think it might help.


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