Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It’s amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I’m not sure it’s the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time? Now that 100,000 are not showing up to the square, will they outnumber us on Saturday?


MADISON, WI – One of the nation’s leading experts in voter fraud will be the headline speaker for the taxpayer tea party in Madison.

On Saturday, April 16th, tea party patriots from throughout Wisconsin will gather at the state Capitol in Madison for a rally to celebrate past victories and rally for Wisconsin’s future. The event will be emceed by talk show host James T. Harris and will feature John Fund columnist for The Wall Street Journal. Fund is an author, pundit and columnist who pens the weekly “On the Trail” column for OpinionJournal.com.

April 16th Taxpayer Tea Party in Madison will feature:
James T. Harris – talk show host
Chuck Day – vocalist
Nancy Mistele – The Founders’ Compass
Matt Seaholm – Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin State Director
Vicki McKenna – WIBA/WISN rock star of radio
Meg Ellefson – Wausau Tea Party
Kim Simac – talk show host, Northwoods Patriots
Tiger & Shannon Heberling – Stood up to union threats
Nancy Milholland – Racine Tea Party
Ross Brown – We the People Madison chapter
Tony KatzPajamas Media
John Fund – The Wall Street Journal

The Wisconsin State Director of Americans for Prosperity, Matt Seaholm, says taxpayers are still worried about out of control spending in government.

“Over the past two years, there were dozens of tea parties around Wisconsin attended by thousands and thousands of taxpayers,” Seaholm said. “Conservatives may have had some victories, but the goal will not been accomplished until we get this state and our country back on a path to fiscal sanity.”

WHAT: Tax Day Tea Party Rally
WHEN: Saturday, April 16, 2011 Noon – 2:00 PM
WHERE: Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison, Wisconsin

The Founders Compass is an online resource for tea party members to organize, inform and reach out to other patriots. Additional information can be found at TEA Party rally on April 16th on Facebook

In case you are wondering, 291 attending. 226 maybe attending. 2699 awaiting response. 434 not attending.

And counter protesters?


  1. I’m good with letting the tea party have a rally without a counter protest. It’s only fair and I think we all believe in freedom of speech. I do want to see how many show up though so may go downtown just to spy. I have heard of at least one bus from out state being cancelled due to lack of interest. If turn out is poor will Sarah Palin get off the plane?

  2. Why don’t you liberals all stop your pathetic whining about reduced entitlment payments and other state paid freebies……why don’t you just thank us hard working taxpayers who are footing the bill for you???????
    Our state is broke….what part of that don’t you understand??? What gives you the right to ask for even more???? The Tea Party is the common sense party!!!!

  3. We aren’t broke, and we’d have a whole lot more money if Walker had not given tax breaks of $130M+ to his buddies. I’m a hard working tax payer. I’m footing the bill, but I don’t mind footing the bill for the disabled and elderly and others. I consider it my duty to my fellow mankind, I learned that in Sunday school.

  4. Brenda,
    Like so many liberals, you are just wrong!! The Walker tax credits you refer to are “new jobs tax credits” that only get paid out to companies if new jobs are created. If this money gets paid out it will be because tens of thousands of new jobs were created….get your facts straight!!

  5. what about the healthcare savings account tax breaks? how exactly do they create jobs?

    how about the millions voter ID will cost the state?? job creation there Andy?


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