Something that is not Dead . . . Yet.

This is the Hope Tree that is outside the Social Justice Center, next to the Little Library, the rain garden, the mural celebrating Willy St., the benches from Boombox the Wasteland and the chairs and table in the garden honoring one of the most amazing women I ever knew, and her the guy who helped her to be who she was, Nan and David Cheney. How much more Madison than that can you get? Stop by and leave your hopes, but hurry, cuz its an Ash Tree and sporting one of those yellow dots.

Thanks to Sarah/Pearl, one of the volunteers at the Tenant Resource Center and her friends for this idea, inspired from a similar tree in Chicago, here is her explanation of the tree..

To Whom It May Concern:
After being inspired by the Hope Tree (pictures below) sponsored by an elementary school in the community of Chicago that hosts their Pride Fest that asks the question, “What do you wish for?” I thought every community needs a tree of hope. As people walk by the “Let Your Soul Shine” Hope Tree that will be located outside of the Social Justice Center, I hope everyone will feel that they have an outlet, a voice, to write down their hopes, wishes, and dreams. While lending their contribution people will also find inspiration in the writings of others. The tree will be maintained by myself and those that use it. Some of the supplies will also be donated by the local nonprofit, Hemp Out Hunger ( Thank you.

And thanks to Alder Marsha Rummel for the time it takes to figure out if this is allowable! 🙂


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