Soglin says “Go Fuck Yourself!”

Yeah, when someone tells him to “stop attacking the poor and homeless” his response is “Go fuck yourself.” And admits it on video. At least he’s honest. Apparently when you have a view of things that he doesn’t agree with, he condescends and tells citizens they don’t know what they are talking about and then doesn’t listen to them, instead he lectures them.

Besides that, Soglin had his talking points down . . . and he’s mostly right, except where he said that people sitting at the top of State St. have housing to go to and they refused to go . . . our current waiting list for singles who are homeless has over 800 people on it . . .I don’t think we have 800 units of housing that have been offered to folks. It’s true, under his administration they built 60 units at Rethke for chronically homeless persons (29 veterans) and it was the first in a very, very long time (20? 30? 40? years). And they are building 45ish at Tree Lane. And yes, we have 42 veterans on our list that are homeless . . . but if he wants people to stop urinating and deficating outside . . . give them a place to go!!!

I can’t help it wonder, why so hostile . . . and does he really expect us to believe that homeless people have housing to go to and they just don’t want it? 100 units in two years, when we have about 1000 units we need isn’t going to cut it. At this rate it will be 20 more years . . .

Video is here. Watch Soglin be his own worst enemy.


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