Real E-mail: Bill O’Reilly Fans

Every once in a while I get an email from a right-wing nut I just can’t help replying to. Check out his exchange:

Random Email we received:

From a U.S. 20+ year military veteran! What the hell is wrong with you being a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants, aliens, and undocumented workers. I didn’t defend this great country of ours to have idiots like yourself disregard the law or let others do so.

Mr. Anderson

It seemed rather out of the blue and not relevant to any recent actions so my reply was:

What the hell are you talking about?
Alder Brenda Konkel
Madison, WI

His brilliant response:

Hey Jerk, check out this website you uniformed idiot!;jsessionid=9D867519559BDCC55BCDB8E353B0EB70?action=viewBlog&blogID=362056141532353188

Mr. Anderson

So I reply:

Heh! You call getting info from Bill O’Reilly being informed? You’re right, I don’t read his blog and don’t intend to.
Maybe next time you can be more specific about your complaint. Do you even have any idea what policies we have in place that landed us on that page?

And his response:

No, but please elaborate and let me know those policies and who I can contact to try to get these bogus policies rescinded. Bill O’Reilly is a class act, much more reliable than left wing, liberals like the Daily Kos, CNN, etc.

And at this point, I couldn’t help myself:

Why don’t you ask Bill O’Reilly?

I’m still not sure why I wasted my time replying. I guess it is because usually these people don’t leave any contact information. Its interesting, cuz we get these crazy right-wing emails from people who don’t live in Madison and usually don’t leave any contact information. However, it does make a good point. If you actually want alders to respond to your comments off the City Council website, two things are extremely helpful:
1. Put an actual address (preferably yours!) in there so that we can see you are from Madison or just put Madison if you don’t want to leave your address.
2. Actually leave contact information like your email address.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I usually don’t spend time responding to some of those emails and then occasionally the person actually ends up being from Madison and they might actually have a a relevant point. So, leave your email address if you want a response.

Here’s another one of my recent favorites from another nutcase from out of state. I wonder if he’s another Bill O’Reilley fan:

The next time I have a bad case of the “runs”, I am going to visit your stupid city and make a deposit!


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