Public Hearing – What Should Community Services Priorities Be?

There’s a public hearing tonight that will set the priorities that will be the basis for funding . . . well, maybe, if they follow their process.

This spring and Summer the City of Madison Community Development Division will be conducting our application process for Community Resources Funding for 2013 and 2014.

There will be a Community Services Committee Public Hearing on the 2013-2014 Funding Goals and Objectives on February 29, 2012 at 5:30 Pm at the Madison Senior Center, 330 West Mifflin Street, Madison. Please see the attached draft of the Draft 2013-14 CDD Funding Goals and Objectives. Following this hearing the CSC will convene a meeting and discuss and finalize this document.

Here’s the current goals and priorities.

Program Area I: Youth
All proposals for Program Area I: Youth will be reviewed by the Community Services Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Support youth to become successful members of their families, school, communities, and workplace through collaboration with the public school system and other key stakeholders.

High Priority:
A1. Provide low-income middle school youth access to programs that complement in-school learning and development during non-school hours.

A2. Provide life skills, vocational/career guidance, pre/post-employment support and job placement for low-income youth.

A3. Provide low-income high school youth access to programs that complement in-school learning and development during non-school hours.

Intermediate Priority:

B1. Provide opportunities for juveniles who commit municipal violations to receive alternative sanctions from a peer youth court.

B2. Provide culturally and/or gender specific programs for vulnerable youth that promote positive youth development

B3. Provide opportunities for positive community engagement for youth at-risk of involvement in the criminal justice system.

Lower Priority:

C1. Provide access for low-income parents/guardians education, skills and resources to raise successful youth.

Program Area II: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Crisis Intervention and Safety & Support
All proposals for Program Area II: Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Crisis Intervention and Safety & Support will be reviewed by the Community Services Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Provide crisis intervention and supportive services for victims of sexual assault, victims of domestic violence, vulnerable children, runaway/homeless youth, and families in crisis.

High Priority:
A1. Provide immediate direct services for victims of sexual assault or domestic violence.

A2. Provide immediate direct services for vulnerable children, runaway and homeless youth.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Provide immediate support services for the prevention of abuse and neglect.

B2. Provide assessment, referral and short-term services for children/youth that have experienced trauma.

Lower Priority:
C1. Provide education for the prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Program Area III: Access to Resources
All proposals for Program Area III: Access to Resources will be reviewed by the Community Services Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Provide services to overcome barriers to the basic resources that increase self-sufficiency and improve the quality of life for the community’s most vulnerable individuals. Basic resources may include: food security, housing, healthcare, employment and child care. Barriers may include: language and cultural accessibility, education, knowledge or awareness of services, transportation and history with the criminal justice system.

High Priority:
A1. Provide culturally specific or targeted supportive services to members of low to moderate income and/or marginalized groups that increase access to basic services and resources and increase participation in community life.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Provide systemic solutions which address barriers and improve access to services that meet basic needs for low to moderate income and/or marginalized groups.

These services may be targeted to serve a specific population, or a geographic area.

Program Area IV: Adult Workforce Preparedness and Employment
All proposals for Program Area IV: Adult Workforce Preparedness and Employment will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Improve the opportunities for economic stability for residents encountering multiple barriers to employment including: criminal background and/or associations, language barriers, long-term poverty, lack of skills and/or formal education.

High Priority:
A1. Provide employment related services to unemployed or underemployed individuals who face multiple barriers to employment with a goal of obtaining and maintaining full employment. These services may include literacy and language skills, life skills, vocational/career guidance, pre and post employment services or employment support. Services may be community wide or neighborhood based.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Provide services to Madison residents that provide education and literacy proficiency to acquire maintain or improve their opportunity for full employment.

Program Area V: Neighborhoods
All proposals for Program Area V: Neighborhoods will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Create and sustain healthy neighborhoods by supporting neighborhood facilities and programs which promote community cohesion, stability, quality services and efforts which build resident capacity, create sustainable partnerships and enable all residents to participate fully in their neighborhood and the broader community.

Higher Priority: Please Note: Applications will not be accepted for this Objective in this 2013-2014 CDD Funding process.
A1. Sustain and enhance the operation of neighborhood centers. Centers should be neighborhood focal points that are used by low and moderate income residents, and community groups, and should offer programming relevant to the neighborhoods they serve.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Support programs and processes that promote and enhance opportunities for residents to be informed and engaged in decisions affecting their neighborhood and the broader community; increase leadership capacity of residents to effectively engage in neighborhood based issue identification, problem solving and advocacy; support programs that provide community mediation and/or create neighborhood mediators. These programs will be accessible to all residents including those of low and moderate income.

Program Area VI: Children & Families
All proposals for Program Area VI: Children and Families will be reviewed by the Early Childhood Care and Education Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Ensure that children and their families have access to developmentally appropriate, quality, affordable child care. Assist and educate parents/guardians, child care providers and the community to prepare Madison’s children for optimal growth and development.

High Priority:
A1. Provide for the availability of affordable, stable, quality child care and/or elementary school-age care for low-income or homeless children with emphasis on full-time programming.

A2. Provide access to education and resources for low-income parents/guardians to raise successful healthy children.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Provide specialized training and consultation services for City of Madison accredited programs that strengthen the ability of child care staff to serve at-risk children.

Lower Priority:
C1. Provide professional development opportunities that improve the quality of child care in the City of Madison.

Program Area VII: Seniors
All proposals for Program Area VII: Seniors will be reviewed by the Senior Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

Objectives listed below are in priority order within each goal area.

Goal: Help seniors live as independently as possible, maintain/improve seniors’ health and well-being, and reduce seniors’ isolation.

High Priority:
A1. Provide case management activities that help seniors live independently by connecting them to needed services.

A2. Provide volunteer-based home chore services that help seniors remain in their homes.

Intermediate Priority:
B1. Support focal point agencies that provide information, referral and other services that maintain seniors’ health and independence.

B2. Provide services that improve seniors’ health and connection to the community through recreational, educational, social, health and safety, multi-cultural and intergenerational activities, and volunteer opportunities. (Agency referrals and special projects)


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