Photos from a storm

Yeah yeah, you’ve seen lots of rain pictures. I was going to write a serious policy piece as my first post, but well, then it rained and it was more fun to go watch. Here are a few pics from E Dayton St and  N Blair St, along with some history about this part of the isthmus.

First, it rained. This is the 600 block of E Dayton, looking towards Blair and the Capitol.

Heavy Rain on E Dayton St

In between the first wave and the second wave of rain, my neighbor had the good sense to move his car a few feet away from the curb, again on E Dayton:

Not everyone did. I figured, it had stopped raining, and I looked at the water line and decided that I’d be OK:

Turned out I should have looked at the radar, because the second act was coming:

When it finally stopped, this was the intersection of Blair and Dayton:

The storm sewers were so overwhelmed that they were actually releasing water, not draining it away:

Some cars drove through, but most had the good sense to turn around. The one-way sign was optional for a bit.

It was a lot of water:

On the other end block, at  E Dayton and N Blount, a few years ago the city upgraded the stormsewers and drains, and they were doing much better at keeping up.

As it turns out, this area is one of, if not the, lowest parts of the isthmus, and has always flooded.  As a result, historically it was one of the less-desirable parts of town. That’s part of why this marker is on my block:



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