Parisi’s Office Sabotages New Potential Day Center Location

I was furious yesterday afternoon when I found out that the first words out of Josh Wescott’s mouth (Joe Parisi’s press guy) to the reporter was the location of the potential site. Everyone was keeping it top secret, the only reason to reveal it is to sabotage it. That’s just shitty. Way to throw people under the bus.

First, extreme apologies to the neighborhood. This shouldn’t have happened this way. This sucks. Alder Rummel should have had time to talk with the neighbors, she has a neighborhood meeting about EVERYTHING and would have had one about this given the time. Time I thought we all agreed upon. (OMG I can hear Bert Stitt now . . . sorry Bert, this is not the way it should have happened.)

Second, we don’t even know if this and the three buildings that come with it are feasible for the proposed use. Not from a zoning perspective, but can this building (and the three next to it) hold all the functions that it needs to be comprehensive (showers, storage, kitchen, quiet spaces, computer room, room to provide confidential services) and be staffed reasonably. It’s two stories, meaning more staff to oversee things and be available when issues arise.

Third, as far as I know, there is no offer to purchase on the building, so a price hasn’t been negotiated yet, and if the city and others seem desperate to make some happen, it seems the price will go up.

SABOTAGE!!! Or they’re just so completely inept they should be recalled.

Sorry neighbors, sorry elected officials impacted by this stupid act (esp. Rummel and Kolar), sorry homeless people who have been jerked around for four years. This sucks. I hope this location can work out, but it has some obstacles, we didn’t need the County Exectutive’s Office creating more.

Here’s the State Journal Article, click, or don’t.


  1. I wondered why it was in the news and how it would go down. When I worked at the Salvation Army there was always administrative talk of moving the homeless shelter out to Truax because the shelter wasn’t wanted downtown and this place is right across from the unwanted shelter. Your hunch could be right on his sabotage intent because his resume boasts that one of his skills is “strategic communication”


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