Pahl Tire Redevelopment Meeting Tonight

Another hotel, and will the extend the State St. TIF all the way to E. Washington? Just a rumor I heard . . .

Hello neighbors,

REMINDER: The North Central Group has revised their hotel proposal for 15 N. Webster Street and the Pahl Tire site (corner of E. Washington and N. Webster Streets). There will be a steering committee meeting for the developer (the North Central Group) to share these recent revisions. All are welcome to attend the steering committee meeting to hear about the revised proposal. The steering committee meeting will be held in the Madison Municipal Building, 215 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in room LL-120 on January 21 at 5:00 pm. Use the Doty Street entrance. Some of the revisions we will hear about include:

New on site parking system with 80 stalls (more than doubling the number in the prior proposal) using a lift system
Slightly more setback on north side of building (don’t have a shadow study yet but they are not expecting it to be a significant improvement related to the Lamp House).
New queuing system in front of building
Valet parking stand in the building…not in the right-of-way
Parking ramp entrance further back
Change in the general architecture/look of building

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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