Original vs. Alternate F-35 Resolution

So what’s the difference? The West Side Alders Essentially inputted the Chamber of Commerce talking points and then didn’t say they “oppose” but request the Air Force to take the many pages of adverse impact into account.  Mayor ducks and covers.  Here’s what we know about who is voting how!

This is one of those votes where you find out how much people really care about institutional racism, disparities and low income people in our city.  And if you look who is sponsoring the resolution, its NOT what you would expect.   6 of the 7 westsiders sponsoring the watered down/monied interest version of the resolution are people of color?!?  ZOINKS!!!  Gotta wonder what happened to all that talk about affordable housing (maybe this is the plan?), disparities and equity and concern about the climate crisis.  Disappointing to say the least, but money still talks in this town!

Version 4 = Original Resolution Modified, in opposition to F-35s (5 East Side Alders and 1 West)

Grant Foster
Rebecca Kemble
Marsha Rummel
Patrick Heck
Tag Evers
Syed Abbas
57364 v4 Substitute

Version 3 = Alternate/Chamber of Commerce Version (7 West/South Side Alders)

Barbara Harrington-McKinney
Sheri Carter
Christian Albouras
Shiva Bidar
Keith Furman
Arvina Martin
Donna Moreland
57364 v4 Substitute

Adds language that there were 350 people at the original meeting at Crowne Plaza in March 2018 and that “WHEREAS, residents who submitted public comments during the scoping phase were overwhelmingly supportive of the basing, with 445 comments in support versus 115 expressing concerns; and,”

Adds language about the $90-120M being “new construction activity, creating 315-420 construction jobs;”

Crosses out language about the decibels “WHEREAS, the Draft EIS states that peak noise levels within the 70-75 DNL contour could reach 116 dB, a noise level 25 times greater than 70 dB; and,”

It unbold’s this language ““… the City of Madison would have no official role in any potential noise mitigation study or program . The inability for the City to act on behalf of its residents and in the best interest of City-owned housing is a concern.”;”

Adds “DNL” to these sentences “WHEREAS, tens of millions of dollars in public investment have been made in 231 CDA-owned affordable housing units bordering the 65 dB DNL noise contour at Truax Park and Worthington Park, and also in an additional 80 subsidized low-income units at Rethke Terrace; and,” AND “WHEREAS, on September 11, 2019 Alders Abbas, Foster and Rummel hosted a listening session for people living within the 65dB DNL noise contour attended by more than 300 residents from the affected area and its immediate environs; and,”

Adds this language:
WHEREAS, on September 12, 2019, the National Guard Bureau held an open house, formal presentation and public listening session at the Alliant Energy Center where 650 residents attended; and,

WHEREAS, comments at the public listening session by residents, community and business leaders, expressed a mixture of support and opposition to the beddown of the F-35s with the 115th Fighter Wing; and,

WHEREAS, according to a 2015 UW-Extension Study, the total economic impact of Truax Field to the greater Madison area is at least $99.2 million each year and supports more than 1,293 on-site jobs; and,

WHEREAS, it is unclear what the future of the 115th Fighter Wing and Truax Field would be once F-16s are retired and aren’t replaced by F-35s; and,

Changes this language: (highlights are added)
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council concludes recognizes that the adverse worst case impacts described in the Draft EIS will would substantially reduce the quality and quantity of current affordable housing stock, decrease the value of the property tax base, reduce opportunities for Transit-Oriented Development, disproportionately affect children and families residents who are low income and people of color, and are contrary to the City of Madison’s values of equity, sustainability, health and adaptability as codified in our Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2018 <https://www.cityofmadison.com/dpced/planning/documents/Part1_ComprehensivePlan.pdf> , the City’s Racial Equity <https://madison.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?
CText%7C&amp;Search=Racial%2BEquity%2Band%2BSocial%2BJustice%2BInitiative> and Social Justice Initiative, and undermine multiple long-term goals of City policy makers and; and,

Then adds this language at the end instead of the original language
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council requests that, in its final selection process, the Air National Guard seriously take into consideration all the potential adverse impacts outlined in the draft EIS and re-evaluate the selection of Truax Field as a preferred location if the final EIS does not provide strategies to affirmatively mitigate the noise and/or reduce the number of training flights; and

It removes this language that was in the original
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that based on the significant, negative impacts highlighted in the Draft EIS that will disproportionately impact children and residents with low-incomes and communities of color, and given that there is no guarantee that sound mitigation or abatement will take place and that the City of Madison would have no official role in any potential mitigation program, the Madison Common Council does not support the selection of Truax Field as a preferred location for the 5th Operation Beddown; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Madison Common Council requests that the Air National Guard to reconsiders the selection of Truax Field as a preferred location until and unless the findings of the EIS are shown to misrepresent and underestimate the significant environmental impacts to those living, working, and visiting the north and east sides of Madison; and,

Alders who haven’t signed on?

The alders that haven’t signed on to either resolution include
Linsey Lemmer (east side)
Mike Verveer (downtown)
Avra Reddy (downtown)
Paul Skidmore (west)
Zach Henak (west)
Michael Tierney (east)
Samba Baldeh (east)

It could come down to the mayor!

Where is the Mayor at in all this?

Here’s her press release.

She essentially wants . . . ugh . . . more study! Doesn’t really provide any leadership one way or the other. I’m shocked that she’s not standing up for the equity pieces of this . . . ok, no I’m not, I’m old cynical and cranky and would expect nothing else from her “leadership”.

There has been substantial discussion and controversy over the potential siting of F-35 jets at the Truax Field. This matter needs careful consideration. Madison has lived with, and benefited from, the Dane County Airport and the Truax Air National Guard Base for decades. Members of the 115th wing are members of our community. They have jobs here, raise their families here, and go to school here in addition to serving in the Air National Guard.

The decision to site F-35s in Madison or anywhere else will be made by the Secretary of the Air Force. In my view, the City’s role is to make sure our community has the best possible information about this project, and to ensure that the decision-making process includes accurate information about our community. This is why we conducted a City analysis of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which can be found here.

I am very disappointed in the U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard’s failure to provide adequate information about this project and its potential impacts on our community, and their failure to address misconceptions on the record. The draft EIS says that flights may increase by 27%, which suggests more noise. The sound study says these new, more powerful planes would only engage in afterburner takeoffs 5% of the time (rather than 60%), which suggests less noise. The Air Force’s use of the Day Night Average Sound Level (DNL) metric suggests more noise, yet their Sound Exposure Level (SEL) chart indicates little change at the locations of most concern to the community.

The public deserves better information.

Based on what we know – and don’t know – today, it’s very difficult to evaluate the true impact of this project on the Madison region. Given this uncertainty, I am demanding better answers from the U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard. Senator Baldwin and Congressman Pocan have both asked the U.S. Air Force detailed questions, we need those answers. Congressman Pocan today asked for actual engine tests to be conducted before the September 27 deadline for comment on the EIS and I fully support that science-based approach.

The U.S. Air Force and the Air National Guard MUST take into consideration all the potential adverse impacts that have been identified by the draft EIS and the City analysis. They should re-evaluate the selection of Truax Field as a preferred location if the final EIS does not respond to these concerns and provide strategies to affirmatively mitigate the noise and other detrimental impacts of siting F-35s at Truax Field.


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