Optimism and Excitement for the Zoning Code!

Satya Rhodes-Conway gets the prize for being the most enthusiastic about the zoning code re-write. Check out this email she sent to her constituents.

Re: Granny Flats, Co-ops and Chickens – who said zoning was boring?

As I’m reading through the material for the Zoning Code Rewrite Advisory Committee, I’m coming across all sorts of interesting things. Did you know that the zoning code limits the number of unrelated people that can live together? The co-op people would like to change that to make it easier to live cooperatively. Apartment-dwellers would like to be able to keep chickens like homeowners can – and some neighbors would like them not to. In some places you can have a granny flat (an apartment over your garage) and in some you can’t – it all depends on the zoning code. Developers want to reduce the use of PUDs, but neighborhood groups are worried about giving up their chance to review projects. And how should we change the code? Should parks have their own zoning? Should we create mixed-use districts? or a district for UW? See, not as boring as one might imagine! If you have thoughts or questions or ideas, come to the next meeting and share them:

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
Zoning Code Rewrite Advisory Committee – 6:00 p.m
Madison Senior Center
330 West Mifflin Street (2nd floor Rooms 1&2)

or submit a comment (and find a whole bunch more information) here

or just email me. I’ll be happy to pass your comments along.


Now, I have to say . . . I went to the special plan commission meeting last night where they discussed much of the same things they will be discussing tonight. . . and most of these items were discussed. Thanks to Matt Tucker, I was interested to learn that in the C4 zoning that there is a restriction on the mixture of number of bedrooms (i.e. you have to have 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms in the unit you build), but no one uses it. However, I don’t think I found it quite as interesting as Satya did! Go Zoning Code Re-write! The enthusiasm is catching!


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