One Stop Shop – $1.6M down the drain?

Rumors have been circulating for some time about a hotel on City property in the downtown area. Such a hotel could incorporate the Municipal Parking lot behind the Municipal Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd or the “post office building”), or the Government East Parking Ramp. This weekend we got this news article about Marcus having another meeting with the Mayor, but neither party is revealing many details.

The question running through my mind is, what happens to the $1.6M we’re spending to have our “One Stop Shop” in the Municipal Building. Will we be throwing that money down the drain as changes occur on the Municipal Building lot? If part of the project is changing entry to the building and if the Municipal Building could be incorporated into the new project, perhaps the project for the “one stop shop” should be delayed, as I proposed as a budget amendment last year (amendment #5)?


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