Occupy Madison Events – The Final Countdown?

Party Saturday, clean up this weekend, rally and march Monday and . . . stay tuned.

OCCUPY BLOCK PARTY!! We are losing our site!

But COME to CELEBRATE what OCCUPY MADISON has accomplished.

SATURDAY APRIL 28th 12-5 pm
800 E. Washington Ave.

Occupy Madison may soon get kicked out of our site with no permit for relocation. The Occupy movement is alive and will continue, but we need your support! Come and learn what we have accomplished since October and what we are planning. There will be live music, food, art projects, and lively discussions of what can be done to help the homeless and the rest of the 99%.

Accordion & Singing by Len Wallace
Forward Marching Band
Other Music, Sing-Alongs, Art & Festivities

occupyspringandbeyond@gmail.com or 442-8399

Stop by after 10am either day to find out the latest plans for clean up, they will need many hands to tear things down. Sad, but necessary as they want to leave the site as they found it.

1:00 March from the site to the Mayor’s office, where they will just be doing as the mayor said – going back to where they came from.

As most of you know the Occupy-Madison homeless encampment located at 800 East Washington Ave. is going to end April 30th at 12 noon. The 70-80 people living there will be forced to return to the streets, parks, or underpasses. This community which has formed over the past 7 months has provided mutual support for the people living there with minimal City services over the past 7 months in a way that the City’s social services programs have not been able to do. The City administration(Mayor (Soglin) has refused to allow this community to reside on any City owned property.

March and rally at the City-County Building on Martin Luther King Blvd.at 1:00 on April 30th in a show of support for this group of homeless individuals.

AND . . .
Watch for some other news tomorrow.


  1. I get the chills when I read about the continued organizing and forward movement that has come from the energy of the people of Occupy Madison.  Their self sustained community is inspiring.  Once a movement has begun, an energy created out of unity, the momentum gains and progress is measured in the heart and soul of the people.

  2. That’s not a solution. Occupy wasn’t perfect, but it was something. 

    Well I look forward to Mayor Soglin taking the lead on this since he clearly doesn’t like Occupy’s efforts. 


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