More Blogging Catch Up

Ugh, vacation, followed by a funeral, and a fundraiser for TRC tonight, sorting out how to make homeless storage work starting Nov. 1 and tiny house village weeks away from opening have made blogging difficult. So, here’s a few random things.

Administrative Procedure Memos for the city have been changed in the following ways:

Updated Index to the APMs:

Revised APM 3-2 – Meeting Notices – The following sentences have been added after the first sentence in paragraph 4 of this APM, “Saturdays and Sundays are excluded in calculating the 24 hour notice. Thus, all Monday meetings should be preceded by the proper posting on Friday.”

Revised APM 2-33 – Rules of Conduct – The following sentence was added to Section C. 6., “This includes electronic cigarettes.”

Newly-created APM 5-3 – Honorary Street Naming

Going full time is a terrible idea (think professional politicians that need to keep their income), a modest pay raise, ok. Just please don’t make it hard for people like Barbara Vedder to be on the council by raising the wages above what people with disabilities can earn and still get SSI/SSDI. This is Chris Schmidt’s explanation of what he is proposing:

Please do not reply all. Tonight I will be introducing Leg file 35923, which makes the Council President a FTE with salary set at half of the Mayor’s starting on April 21, 2015. I’m sending this out to give you a heads-up. It will go to BOE and CCOC before returning to Council on Nov 18. The reason for the tight schedule is two-fold: there is a statutory deadline of Dec 1 to change the pay for Alders, and I was debating whether to pursue this now. I will save my arguments on the merits for a more appropriate venue, at this time I just wanted to alert you. There will be some action soon creating a small body of Alders that will look at broader Council capacity issues, pay, staffing, etc.

I tried searching for the legistar file this morning and couldn’t find it, its probably just a glitch or human error I didn’t spot.

Channel 991 – WYOU will be showing the movie for 24 hours. This is a one-hour documentary by Sam Mayfield that follows the 2011 Wisconsin protests against Governor Scott Walker which led to the largest sustained worker’s resistance movement in American History, depicting the struggles of the Middle Class confronting the corrupting power of money over democracy. ALL DAY Saturday, October 25, starting at midnight (the 24th): to midnight (the 25th).

This has been going on for years and years and years, but looks like they changed their minds again (from Ledell Zellers):

After reviewing passenger feedback and working with representatives of the neighborhood, Metro has decided that bus stops on E. Gorham St. at Livingston St. and E. Johnson St. at Livingston will remain open. I really appreciate Metro’s responsiveness to the concerns raised about removing these two stops. Metro staff met with me and then met with Yahara House members and me to get a better appreciation of the issues involved. Thanks too to Yahara House people for speaking up so effectively about concerns.


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