More “affordable housing” absurd comments (Oooops!)

People, people, people, if you’re going to make the augments, look at the facts . . .I know they are becoming irrelevant in much of the rhetoric, but you really look silly when you say silly things.  (See correction below)

This goes with this post from this morning about the neighbors objecting to “affordable housing” on the northside.

First of all, this is a zoning issue. The funding issue was determined in 2013.

Here’s the message for former alder Dorothy Borchardt:

Mayor Soglin & Common Council Members,

I’m contacting you in regards to agenda item #5 to re-zone 1910 Tennyson Lane to provide for 2 residential buildings containing 72 “affordable” apartment units in a neighborhood that already has more then it’s share of low-income families. Lake View Elementary school serves the neighborhood and has the highest enrollment of low-income families of any school in the city, followed by Mendota and Lindberg Elementary (all Northside schools.)

I question why the City would approve giving a developer $1 million to build in a neighborhood where the elementary school enrollment is 77% low-income families (see attachment.) Our young children should be our TOP priority. Young children need a good start to be successful, crowding them in three Northside schools (or any school) is WRONG. Could this be one of the reasons we lose so many children by the time they enter high school?

The City needs to re-think how they award these grants. City leaders should designate the neighborhood schools that have a low percentage of low-income children and let developers know that money is available to help purchase land to build “affordable” apartments in those neighborhoods.

You packet includes a letter from Bev Metcalfe. Bev is representing this neighborhood because she knows it so well and was willing to take the time to talk to the residents. She has provided you with the “rest of the story” of why the property should NOT be rezoned.

I know how easy it is to go along with the alder that represents the district but in this case it very important you consider the harm this re-zoning will do to our low-income children, not only in this neighborhood but to the Northside of Madison.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

There are the guidelines for income for free and reduced lunch . . .this is the federal poverty level (corrected this section!)
1 …………………………………….. $11,670
2 …………………………………….. 15,730
3 …………………………………….. 19,790
4 …………………………………….. 23,850
5 …………………………………….. 27,910

These are the income levels for free lunch

1 ……………………………..  15,171
2 ……………………………..  20,449
3 …………………………….. 25,727
4 …………………………….. 31,005
5 ……………………………..  36,283

These are the income levels for reduced lunch

1 …………………………….. 21,590
2 ……………………………..  29,101
3 ……………………………..  36,612
4 ……………………………..  44,123
5 ……………………………..51,634

So, people who qualify for free and reduced lunch will be able to “afford” these 12 of the 72 units.  I hardly think that will overthrow the neighborhood!   Of course, they have to live somewhere . . . and they are likely paying 50% or more of their income towards rent . . .


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