McDonell: Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

Does he support the referendum?

Q: Do you support a referendum on restricting corporate contributions in campaigns. Why, or why not?

Yes I support this referendum. This is citizen grassroots activism at its best. This is the people of Dane County saying loud and clear that we are not fooled. We know the difference between a person and a corporation, and we know the difference between free speech and corporate pay-to-play politics. Corporate interests may have infiltrated the Supreme Court and pulled wool over Congress’ eyes but the founders of our Constitution never intended corporations to have the same rights as individuals.

I understand that many other municipalities around the county and state will soon take up similar resolutions, and I encourage them to go forward. I am confident that this groundswell will spread and ultimately our government will once again exist of, for and by the people.


  1. If the problem’s just 1 Supreme Court Justice, wait it out, rather than repealing the 1st Amendment.

    If you WANT to repeal part of the Bill of Rights to go after corporate power, get rid of the 5th Amendment’s takings clause. Corps with no assets can’t buy ads.


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