Mayor’s latest thinking on furloughs – not if, but when.

The mayor’s statement from earlier today. She hopes to decide by next week.

I’d feel better if she said she was seeking public input about her decision, but I guess we will wait from her pronouncement after its all worked out behind closed doors.

From: Mayor <>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 5:29 PM
To: All Email Users <>
Subject: Budget update

*please share this message with people who do not regularly check city email*

Colleagues –

Last week, I sent an email sharing the news that we are facing a $30 million budget shortfall for 2020, and we are projecting a $25 million shortfall in 2021, due to a combination of lost revenue and increased spending associated with the economic impacts of the public health response to COVID-19. In that email, I mentioned that we are freezing most hiring and spending on nonessential services and supplies, and that we are looking at other options like targeted use of the state’s Workshare program, and furlough days for all employees. I am writing today to update you on a timeline for a decision on these items.

I am hoping to make a decision on furlough days (meaning, some number of unpaid days off) by next week. Before making that decision, I will be working with the Finance Department staff, department and division directors, and employee associations and unions to examine options and impacts. The questions we will examine this week are not about if, but about how and when to implement a furlough program. I don’t believe we can balance the budget in a fiscally responsible and on-going manner without one.

While no decision has yet been made on exactly how furloughs will be implemented, I can share factors and principles that that are guiding my decisions, including the following:

      1. I believe a furlough program should be applied equally across all departments. If there are any exceptions to that, it should only be where required to maintain a minimum level of service.
      2. I believe that the number of furlough days a person is asked to take should consider the impact to their overall income, with higher-earning employees bearing a larger burden than lower-earning employees.

My goal with these measures is to avoid layoffs. To be honest, it is too early to say whether we’ll achieve that goal, but that is the goal. We will carefully monitor the budget, take all practical steps to reduce spending, seek more revenue from the federal and state government in terms of grants and COVID-related aid, and be in touch with you through the coming weeks and months as we learn more about our budget picture.

I will do my best to keep you informed and share information as it becomes available, and I am asking City directors and managers to do the same. We will get through this, and I thank you all for your continued commitment to each other and to this community in this difficult time. I am thankful to have you all as part of Team City.


Mayor Satya​


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