Mayor and Staff blow off City Employees and the Common Council

Yesterday the Mayor and his staff managed to blow off hundreds of City Employees. And the Common Council. And now people are asking, where is the Mayor at on important issues? You just can’t seem to pin him down. He flip flops and says he’s going to do things, and then he doesn’t. He just isn’t bowling us over here. What am I talking about?

The Annual City Employee bowling tournament, of course. Every year the City has a bowling tournament and there are so many teams that we need to have two shifts at Bowl-a-vard that has 40 lanes. Each year, the Common Council bowls against the Mayor’s office. This year, we crushed them. Mostly because they were a complete no show. With no explanation.

No one seemed to know why they weren’t there. There was some speculation that perhaps the mayor couldn’t get there because there wasn’t a trolley for him to take. Or maybe they were afraid we’d beat them worse than last year. We were a little surprised they didn’t at least appoint someone to bowl in their place, but perhaps they were afraid those appointments might not pass. Regardless, many are demanding to know why he flip-flopped. He said he was coming before he said he wasn’t.

This year’s council bowling scores were lower than last year, but we think it was the lack of competition that led us to perform worse than we thought we should have. Here’s the scores:

Austin King with a 116 average
131, 139, 161 or
431 pins with an average of 144

Brenda Konkel with a 108 average
84, 121, 107 or
312 pins with an average of 104

Larry Palm with a 133 average
88, 79, 80 or
247 pins with an average of 82

Jed Sanborn with a 128 average
148, 150, 117 or
415 pins with an average of 138

Paul VanRooy with no average cuz it was his first year in the tournament
127, 99, 112 or
338 pins with an average of 112

Overall, not much to report. A good time was had by all with only one unpleasant incident beyond the complete no show of the mayor’s office. That incident was when Larry Palm actually fouled and got a big old “F” on the scorecard. I think he’s kind of worried about how this might effect his campaign for re-election in his heavily blue collar district.

On a more serious note, some City Staff were amazed that the Mayoral candidates were complete no-shows this year. There was a time where this was a great place for some political glad-handing and generally a chance to show your support for City Staff. Seasoned employees were wondering why the Mayor and other candidates wouldn’t at least put in an appearance and are wondering what that means for the future of staff and mayoral relations.


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