Maybe Republicans Will Come Round on Global Warming Now?

The record-setting heat we have been experiencing this week may actually help convince Republicans to change their stance on global warming. It is not the number of deaths and hospital visits caused by the heat that will convince them.  Same goes for the poor being unable to find a safe place to hang out during the heat – Republicans certainly aren’t about to guarantee the outcome of a safe environment for anybody. What I believe is going to finally convince Republicans that something needs to be done about climate change is the fact that sustained hot temperatures are going to cause more highways to buckle. That is going to put a giant dent in their wallets…

Amazing Video: Car sent flying by heat-buckled Wisconsin highway.

It is really going to be annoying to have to slow down for buckled chunks of highway as you head into work from your home in the exurbs to that nasty pit of liberalism where the jobs are.   Heck, it might even make rail commuting an appealing option (the horror!).

Keep cool, stay alert on the highways, and have a great weekend!


  1. Seriously Matt? You don’t know the difference between weather and climate? Or is it that you know the difference only when it forwards your agenda?

  2. Sure I know the difference between Weather and Climate. Weather is when we get one road-buckling heat event every decade or so. Climate change is what makes it occur more and more frequently compared to the recent past.


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