Make a Call for Lisa Mitchell Today

Passing along a message to help a trans woman get justice. Let her out of solitary confinement, free her and let her get on with her life – she has housing, a job and support in place. Enough is enough.

Many of you have heard about Lisa Mitchell’s struggles with the Department of Corrections, with Dane County jail, and the Madison Police Department.

We need your help today to push for justice for her again. More details below.

Call or e-mail TODAY:

Assistant DA on the case:
Alliscon Cogbill
(608) 266-4211

I am calling/writing to let you know that I am following Lisa (Roy) Mitchell’s case and I want to see her back into the community. She has housing and community resources awaiting her including part-time employment as a transgender advocate to pay her rent. It is important that you do everything possible to investigate any coercion and violence that Lisa faced leading up to her charges.

Central Captain Carl Gloede

I am calling/writing to let you know that I am following Lisa Mitchell’s case and I want to see her back into the community. She has housing and community resources awaiting her including part-time employment as a transgender advocate to pay her rent. I understand that Detective Pharo has been assigned to investigating coercion and violence that Lisa has faced that is key to her case yet we have not heard that this has been fully investigated. Her hearing is on Thursday August 4th at 10:00 and we need to have this crucial piece of the case is investigated by that time.

Here is more information:
Due to systemic discrimination, Lisa was exploited in a system of sex trafficking for her survival. A trafficker threatened her at gun point to commit a robbery and she felt she had no other choice but to follow through. She is being charged with stealing money from a gas station and is held once again in solitary confinement on a PO hold awaiting her hearing on August 4th at 10:00 am. She will be having a revocation hearing on August 9th as well.

She has talked to the police about being coerced into this situation yet, the detective Jeff Pharo who is assigned the case has not made a full effort to prove that she was coerced.

Before Lisa was put in jail again she had gotten into permanent women’s housing, started seeing a therapist, applied for jobs and for social security, began receiving hormone replacement therapy, and was building a new life for herself. She has a part-time job doing transgender advocacy waiting for her. We need to make sure the DA puts her back into the community.

We will be following up with information about who to call for her revocation hearing.

If you are with an agency that can write general letter with your letterhead please let me know. We would love to have them by Tuesday August 2nd if possible.



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