Madison Common Council Unify on Antibiotic Resolution

Eight co-sponsors of the resolution were joined with all of the other Common Council Members to vote yes on Resolution 32795. Testimony from citizens told of water and soil contamination right here Madison in a near East Side stream, where test results showed high concentrations of antibiotics traced back to a Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations(CAFO) spill, last year. Other told of,  Large Ag, that makes up 80% of the users of antibiotics, their overuse is unrestricted, there is no prescription from a veterinarian, farmers can go to Farm and Fleet and purchase the medicine, often times added to feed, and concentrations are not monitored. It is a practice that is harming many living populations and the resolution is being called upon to enact new laws. Madison is the fifth City to Sign On.  These federal resolutions, that Madison Council aligned with, urge the US Congress and the US Senate to pass the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA), H.P. 965, and the Preventing of Antibiotic Resistance Act (PARA), S. 1256. Please call to Senator Tammy Baldwin, who is on the Health Committee where these resolutions are sitting and let her know that Madison Common Council agrees with the Acts that will protect against the overuse. This must happen both at the local and federal levels if we are to preserve antibiotics for future health. We must spread the word.

To follow this Campaign and other related to protection of Food and Water:

Resolution Text from City of Madison- Legislation Site:

32795 Resolution Passed 3/31/2014 4/8/2014 Urging the United States Congress to pass the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA), H.R. 965, and the Preventing of Antibiotic Resistance Act (PARA), S. 1256 and supporting a statewide and national ban on nontherapeutic uses of antibiotics in livestock production.



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