Local Conservatives Stymied by Lack of Understanding of Open Records Law

A while back I reported that local conservative groups were launching a series of open records requests with the Madison School District that targeted teachers who participated in the sick-out.  Well, it turns out that the open records law only applies to records that existed at the time the request was received, and since no lists of teachers who reported sick were available, their requests were deemed outside the scope of the law by School officials.  There was one list available at the time of the request, and I just happened to ask for it:  The list of people making open records requests related to the stike.  For your reading pleasure, I now present that list:

MMSD Open Records Request Results


  1. some people were very interested in who took off aren’t they? one immediate thought the 9/12 project and patriotism goes together like oil and the gulf coast

  2. I notice that some of these requests include “sick notes” from doctors for teachers who were out during the indicated time period. I find it concerning to think that a doctors’ note to an individual’s employer, even if the employer is a public entity, could be considered an open record subject to public release. It seems this should be privileged personnel and privileged medical information not subject to public scrutiny on both counts.

  3. @Lisa, that’s something I’d find disturbing about being a public employee. Your work records are public records? That’s a good way to let someone harass you.

    I mean, if somebody went to a private company and asked for a bunch of records…


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