K & K Resignation Round Up

One expected. One not! There are several rounds ups half done and coming before 10:00 this morning.

It’s about time eh? Here’s all the coverage.
State Journal
Badger Herald
Channel 15
Channel 3

Ok enough of that, we knew that was coming . . ..

Kathleen Falk announces she will resign in April. Two years early. But so there won’t need to be an additional election. Reasons unclear, but she’s healthy, happily married and has no immediate plans (that she was wiling to share.)
Channel 3
Channel 27
Channel 15
State Journal
Wis Politics: Doyle Statement
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

State Journal thinks Kathleen’s resignation is smart.
That probably should bother us.
John Nichols analysis
Channel 3s statement
Badger Herald
Daily Reporter

So, I’m kinda annoyed, and I should have seen it coming, but Lukas on this site already ran down much of what I was going to say after I had this mostly written, so I’m posting it anyways.

I actually went to the press conference, as we had our own up at the capital square at 12:30, her’s was at 11:30. Do you even know what our press conference was about? Well, there will be another post yet this morning. I think the only Supervisor there was deFelice who quickly put out his own press release on the matter and jumped in front of the reports, so I’d say yes, he’s running. Falk was funny, stuck to her script and she was straighforward. And of course, very professional.

Who else might be running, besides deFellice. Well, the obvious one county board Chair, Scott McDonell. Which I think will keep many out. At least from the left, which is what I care about. I mean, he’s not a far left candidate, but I’m not sure there will be one. I’m guessing some more moderate democrats jump in and the dems have another blood bath. The one I’m watching is Zach Brandon, just cuz it would be interesting, but my gut says he doesn’t do it. And, I wondering if Kathleen has her own candidate. I doubt Matano will run, but I could be wrong. Spencer Black, that would be interesting, but I also am going to say I don’t think so. Mayor Dave? It’d be nice to be rid of him and his style of governing, but I wouldn’t really wish him on the county. I could be totally wrong, of course, I’m just totally guessing – I worked all day yesterday and tried not to be distracted. So I haven’t talked to many people to know what people are really thinking.

Speaking of work, this is what got emailed to me from county staff because I’m executive director of the Tenant Resource Center.

From: Green, Lynn
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 4:09 PM
To: POS Agencies

As I’m sure you know by now, Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk announced this morning that she is stepping down from her position in April. Below are the details of her decision. She is a strong advocate for Human Services and will be truly missed by the Department and those we serve.

Lynn 🙂

There were two documents attached. Her short statement, and the 5 page list of accomplishments and further explanation.

I’m sure this will make the next few weeks interesting as people decide who jumps in. And I’m sure there will be surprises beyond the names everyone is throwing around. And no, in case you are are foolish enough to ask, I’m not even thinking about it.

The other question people are asking, does it bother me she pulled a Sarah Palin. I guess not so much. I can see why people are upset, but I think most people knew she has been looking for something else for some time . . . I mean . . . she has been running for higher office. But I am blown away she did it now, and I’m dying to know what is next for her. I gotta believe there is something.

There, my two cents. Not terrible insightful or different than the conventional wisdom that is out there. And, I guess, stay tuned!


  1. My less than half serious theory is that she woke up, looked in the mirror and realized that after years of dedicated and often productive public service she had ended up as a water carrier for Brett Hulsey. That realization immediately led to the conclusion that it was time to quit before she sunk even lower.


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