Hulsey is Lying about other Endorsements, Too

He has claimed that Fred Risser is in his camp, too – on literature and at the debate last night.

Guess what? Not true. How do we know? The Manski campaign spoke with him on the phone today. As it turns out, Hulsey is using Fred’s name without his permission. Hulsey also claimed that Risser agreed to “sponsor” a recent fundraiser for him.

According to Risser: “I didn’t even know he was having a fundraiser.”

Apparently Hulsey also told the TAA that Mark Pocan had endorsed him as well. This isn’t true either. If anyone is aware of Hulsey using Pocan’s name in any other public context, please inform readers of this blog.

Another funny bit occurred at the debate last night at which Hulsey claimed he was a UW-Madison alum. This can be verified as the entire event was recorded.

Well? That’s right; he’s not.

I’m only an aspiring psychologist, but even I can recognize that there is something pathological going on here.

No further commentary from this Manski supporter is required. I’ll let the facts speak for themselves.


  1. Kyle —

    Do you have the audio or video of him saying this? I don’t doubt he said it, but if there’s confirmation, it should be posted.

    Or if anyone has it.

  2. FWIW … this is from the Daily Cardinal.

    “State Senate Fred Risser, D-Madison, said he supports Hulsey because Risser is ‘endorsing the Democratic candidates for assembly and he is one of them.'”

    Hardly a ringing endorsement, but it does appear that Risser endorses all Dems so Hulsey gets his endorsement by default.

    Still, that’s awfully semantic. Brett shouldn’t be using names without explicit permission. And the fundraiser thing is hilarious.

  3. There you go. The Ben Manski campaign is lying – again. Your charge is false.

    Time and again, going back at leats 10 years, Ben Manski recklessly leaps to smear his opponents. He doesn’t look at the facts, he just looks for how he can cast something in the worst possible light for his opponent.

    For example, when Manski worked for Ralph Nader (and George Bush) in 2000, he chanted “Al Gore, Corporate Whore” in front of the families attending the Gore rally. Now, he calls Hulsey names.

    Manski would probably behave the same if he ever won any election to public office, demonizing other officials who disagree with him. Good thing he won’t be elected!

  4. Andy,

    Rarely in my political life have I seen such a contradiction between the sentiment of one’s comments and the content behind them. Are you even reading what you are writing? Perhaps your commentary would be better received over at The Sconz, who seems to admire Hulsey and the facts just as much as you.

    You claim that Ben and I are dishonest and that Manski now has a tarnished image. And yet you have nothing to back that up. Here’s the thing about reality, man: Things aren’t true just because you say they are.

    So, Ben can’t remember everything in his life that he has ever said? Yes, that makes him a bad person – clearly. In case you’re wondering, Ben would have stood by his Barrett comments, anyway. They’re not exactly controversial.

    Regarding the rally you mention from 10 years ago, Ben wasn’t there.

    On the other hand, your candidate (best bud Bretty Hulsey!) was just caught in a RED-HANDED LIE. He claimed Baldwin endorsed him. Lie. He claimed Fred Risser endorsed him. Lie. He claimed Fred Risser threw a fundraiser for him. Lie. He claimed Mark Pocan endorsed him. Lie.

    He’s been lying his way throughout this entire race.

    I mean, politics aside, Hulsey is a real piece of work. Still, I admire your tenacity in defending such an awful candidate.

  5. Have to wonder why Olsen even bothered with that. His guy has already retracted his disgusting and pathetic lie uttered(on video!)at Wednesday night’s forum. Either Andy is not aware of this(which would say a lot about the Hulsey campaign in and of itself)or he possesses a finely honed ability to ignore plain facts that is unmatched by anyone on the local political scene. Other than maybe Dave Blaska.

    It wasn’t until I started working on this campaign that I realized what a total blast it is getting all these sellout baby boomers worked up. Come November 3rd I’m really going to miss it.



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