House Economic Recovery Package good new for childcare and early education!

From National Women’s Law Center:

To: State Child Care Advocates, Child Care and Early Learning Coalition
Fr: Helen Blank
Re: Very Good News!
Dt: January 15, 2009

The House just released its proposal for the economic recovery package, and it provides funding for many important child care, early education, and related programs, including:

-$2 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant to provide child care services for an additional 300,000 children in low-income families while their parents go to work.

-$2.1 billion for Head Start to provide comprehensive development services to help 110,000 additional children succeed in school.

-$600 million for IDEA Infants and Families for formula grants to help states serve children with disabilities age 2 and younger.

-$726 million for Afterschool Meals to increase the number of states that provide free dinners to children and to encourage participation by new institutions by increasing snack reimbursement rates

-$2.5 billion for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families for block grants to help States deal with the surge in families needing help during the recession and to prevent them from cutting work programs and services for abused and neglected children.

A more detailed description of the proposal can be found here:

Thanks for all your hard work in making child care and early education part of the economic recovery plan. Please stay tuned for next steps!

Hopefully this is good news for Madison!


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