Horror of Horrors

“Unfortunately, (the park) is taken over by folks who sit there all day and hang out.”

Sometimes, smart people, say dumb things. People who sit in the park and hang out! Yikes, what is the world coming to?!

Wait, there’s more . . . “We want people to be able to take their kids to get an ice cream cone and sit down at a table and chairs without fear of people saying negative things and their feeling safe.”

Oh, that makes sense, we only want certain people to hang out in our parks. And we don’t want the nice people to be afraid of “those” people.

Which park could they be talking about? You know . . . the park where scary people hang out on State Street and scare away middle class shoppers and their children.

After more than 8 years, the park is getting some “improvements” including a police station. And bathrooms, which will probably be locked so those who need them the most can’t use them.

The quote and more here regarding the park, and they will be discussing it at Urban Design Commission on Wednesday at 4:30.

I’m all for improvements to the park, but seriously, where are people who are different than the ice cream eating family supposed to be able to “be” in this city. Not Brittingham Park, not Peace Park, then where?


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