Greyhound goes for FOURTH? New Location in less than 2 weeks?

Yeah, I’m not kidding. The press release from yesterday barely had dry ink (it was sent out late) and already they are rethinking their decision and looking at a fifth location since March 31st, yes, check the calendar, today is the 8th of April.

Ok, who the hell is in charge here? How could this get so bungled? And why is the Mayor going off on a bike trip in Europe with lobbyists to study bicycle transportation issues when there is this immediate transportation issue sitting right here and where is his leadership? Why isn’t he fighting to keep a business (Greyhound) in Madison, why isn’t he fighting for these jobs? Why isn’t he talking about the economic development issues surrounding having strong public transportation?

To drive my point home, here’s some irony, this is from the press release about the bike trip:

“Madison is a very bikable and walkable city with a strong bus system,” said Mayor Cieslewicz. “But at a time when high-speed rail and a new regional transit authority will open new transit opportunities, I hope to return with fresh ideas on how to make our transportation systems easily accessible to everyone, whether traveling by bike, on foot or in a car. This is an opportunity to learn from the most transit-friendly cities in the world.”

I think that some regular Joe Madisonians might have some ideas. Neighborhood and other listserves reacted to the Greyhound news with several suggestions.

No longer at Stoughton Rd loaction as of April 1.
No longer at Baldwin and E Washington as of Tuesday
No longer at the North Transfer point as of today.

The new location is in Deforest. Former Alder Robbie Webber did some good work to investigate this yesterday.

After meeting with alders yesterday, they are looking at least one other location back downtown and in Madison (Kelly’s Market Gas Station on W Washington Ave. with Badger Bus). Apparently, the didn’t realize that the Deforest/Town of Burke location was not in Madison and would cause problems and weren’t aware of that option, especially considering there is no bus service. Let me ask again, who the hell is in charge here? How did that not come up? How did this get so screwed up? Anyways, stay tuned.


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