GOOD NEWS! No Homeless Person Should Have to Be Outside M, T or W

It should be the case any time of the year, but during this cold snap, extra efforts are being made and everyone should have a place to be warm. As soon as the extreme cold is over, back to having gaps in the “system”.

GOOD NEWS!! From the men’s shelter and the library. This is in addition, Salvation Army is running day center hours for women and families. With this, the only reasons for homeless persons to be outside Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday is if they need to go somewhere. Seems as tho all bans are lifted everywhere for the next few days! Plus extra hours and services being provided

We will be adjusting the shelter closing hours in the morning for the first half this coming week to coordinate with the opening of library times. So the shelter will not close until
· 1pm on Sunday 1/5
· 9am on Monday 1/6
· 9am on Tuesday 1/7
· Wednesday 1/7 To be announced
These times are when the library will be open on these days. The van will still be running on normal times, except the driver will be coming inside of the shelter to announce his departure verses having them wait on the corner.

Will be relaxing their rules and overlooking bans as long as people behave and they don’t have to call the police, they can (unofficially) stay. i.e. Don’t draw attention to yourself!

In response to the extreme temperatures forecasted next week, The Salvation Army of Dane County plans to operate a daytime warming shelter for single women and families. Single women and families are welcome to remain inside on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please refer anyone who fits into these categories to us.

Now, we just have to convince those that have had it drilled into their heads that they are banned that they can go in. And hope people who have problems with crowded spaces – ptsd, anxiety, panic attacks, etc. can figure out a way to make it work for themselves.


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