Go Vote!

Election Day votes and predictions. Ah, elections day! I hope people remember to vote and are not distracted the the dictator on the hill. Please remember to VOTE!!! Polls are open 7 am to 8 pm. Election Parties are here.

VOTE: Scott McDonell
PREDICTION: Eileen Bruskewitz and Scott McDonell

I’ve been to and listened to the debates (video from Oregon, audio from United for Funding/Human Services forum), I interviewed the candidates (Zach Brandon and Joe Parisi, Scott McDonell and Joe Wineke) and I’ve posted plenty of information here on the blog and asked my own questions here.

Bruskewitz: It’s probably a no-brainer that I’m not voting for Eileen Bruskewitz, the Republian in the race. Oddly enough, I can get along with her, but that’s not enough to vote for her and her deregulation and kill the train/RTA mentality.

Brandon: Likewise, I can’t vote for Zach Brandon, given that half the budget is human services and he did nothing but attack programs that help the community, especially those that were most vulnerable, like Project Respect. He gets no respect for me.

Joe Wineke: Sadly, I don’t think he’s running for County Executive, he’s running against Scott Walker. His answers were often “the county can’t do that” and showed no imagination for how local government can play a role in many issues that impact us.

Joe Parisi: I really like Parisi, but I was disappointed in some of his answers about what he would do. His answers amounted to “I’m a good guy”, but he was short on specifics and I’m a little gun shy after Mayor Dave and “He’s a nice guy” kind of politics. I want to see a leader that has a deeper understanding of the issues. I think Parisi would be good on many of the issues that I care a lot about, but in the end, I can’t vote for him. But if he makes it through with Bruskewitz. . . we still have a good candidate to vote for.

Scott McDonell: He gets my vote. It comes down to experience and a record of working on so many of the issues I care about. Section 8, immigration issues, money for human services, watching out for the homeless, etc. etc. etc. Plus, he’s been there for 15 years, he knows the system and the players and can hit the ground running, and I think we really need that right now.

Prediction: It’s tough, but here’s my calculation. 30% of the county votes Republican. Those votes go to Eileen Bruskewitz. I thought Zach would syphon off some of those votes, but he doesn’t seem to be doing so well. That leaves the others to split the other 70% of the vote. I think McDonell is doing well, despite the poll. And, I don’t trust the polls since they don’t get to people with cell phones (half of downtown Madison) and were done while people were hungover with the Packers win and not yet paying attention. I think people have gotten a bit informed since then. So, I’m going with Bruskewitz, McDonell. But Parisi is right in there too. Tough call.

VOTE: Paul Soglin
PREDICTION: Dave Cieslewicz and Paul Soglin

There’s only been one debate I could make, I attended the the Know Your Candidates taping at channel 12 and have worked with and against both of them. Soglin actually appointed me to the first city committee I was ever on. Cieslewicz did his best to remove me from committees and won’t appoint me even in areas in which I have expertise. But this isn’t personal, this is a fight for a city that I love.

Paul Soglin: I’m going for Paul Soglin. Yes, they both have worked and endorsed against me, so that is tough, but . . . Paul genuinely won my vote. Bottom line is: He loves the city. He understands how local government works. He’s not afraid of public input and ideas. He understands the value of the Madison process. He cares about poverty. I trust him to fight hard, but fight hard for what he believes in. And that is what I want to see in my mayor, whether I agree with him or not on the issues.

Dave Cieslewicz: Dave loves himself, hates the local process, doesn’t care what others think, can’t disagree without being disagreeable, holds a grudge, doesn’t care about poverty, has his priorities mixed up and generally, isn’t a nice guy if you really know him. And worse of all, he is changing the process in the City of Madison making changing the laws for pet projects the norm. I don’t think it was a mistake that our “break up” was over the lobbying laws. I find him ethically challenged and resent that he wants to make the city process more like the state and sees no problem with giving the lobbyists what they want – especially when he gets a trip to Europe out of it. That’s not what I want to see.

Who breaks 51%, I think its pretty close, but my gut goes with Soglin. Most people I talk to say that they think Cieslewicz will get 51% but are voting for Soglin and I think there are many people out there like that throughout the City.

VOTE: Joanne Kloppenburg
PREDICTION: Prosser and Kloppenburg

I’m least educated on this one, but here’s what I think. Prosser has name recognition. Kloppenburg seems to be the favorite among the people I know. I had no doubt when I got the first email that she is who I would be supporting because of her, and her husband Jack’s long history of supporting progressive causes in this city. For those who need to know a little more: She’s been an Assistant Attorney General since 1989. She served as director of the Department of Justice’s Environmental Protection unit (1993-2003). She has lots of experience arguing cases in both circuit and Wisconsin Supreme Court. She has experience in constitutional law, appellate law, civil litigation, environmental prosecution and administrative law. She’s a 1988 UW Alumni. Undergrad from Yale. Masters from Princton. Teaches at UW Law School. And active in the community. She gets my vote and I think she’ll make it through with Prosser uz of his name recognition.

VOTE (if I could): Lisa Subeck
PREDICTION: Lisa Subeck and Matt Brink

Subeck is the closest thing to a progressive in the race. The rest are hold the line on taxes, give the businesses what they want kind of candidates. Watching the Know Your Candidates taping on Channel 12, I just couldn’t really tell the difference between any of them, including Subeck, but I know her to be more progressive. But, she’ll also just do what the Mayor wants her to do, as she has been doing on many issues before the council. I choose Brink to make it through but its not the most informed choice, just a hunch from knowing him.

VOTE (if I could): Kyle Szarzyski
PREDICTION: Scott Resnick and Kyle Szarzynski

No surprise I”m backing Kyle Szarzynski. He’s the most progressive, an activist and been working on various issues while being a student at the UW. Resnick has experience from being the chair of his neighborhood association and knows many of the city issues but seems quick to compromise and cave in. I’m going with the student who is going to fight for issues important to students. We haven’t had that in a while. The third guy, Christian von Preysing Berry seems sincere, but his issues might be suited better someplace besides the council.

VOTE (if I could): Brian Solomon
PREDICTION: Brian Solomon and Tom Farley

Solomon has worked hard for his district, especially Allied Drive. I don’t know of any dissatisfaction of his representation of the district. I admire his passion for many of the issues that I also care about and appreciate his efforts on the council floor. Think bus fare increases. Tom Farley makes it through cuz of the name recognition. And, I don’t know that the other guy (Nelson Donovan) is doing anything in the race.

VOTE (if I could): TJ Mertz
PREDICTION: Sue Ellingson and TJ Mertz

Ellingson was out there early and has all the establishment endorsements, so I’m thinking she makes it through along with Mertz as the third candidate (Michael Lester) is a little hard to take too seriously. Seems like a nice guy, but in over his head. The other two clearly have more of a grasp of the issues. Mertz, however, is much better on the issues. Ellingson was embarrassing on Know Your Candidates when she was admitting she knows nothing about poverty and talking about what those people need. And then, there’s the matter of nothing matters more than the Democratic Party. He blindness in looking beyond that is scary at best. Lose the obsession with the Democratic Party and learn the issue a bit more and she might be ok, but I”m having a hard time seeing it. She’d be a Dave loyalist if they are both elected. I want someone more independent. Ironically, that’s the PD candidate . . . go figure. (side note: that’s the cool thing about PD, we really do mostly just agree, we don’t need a blood oath or to enforce party loyalty, the issues work that all out for us)

VOTE (if I could): Peng Her
PREDICTION: Peng Her and Anita Weier

Peng is clearly the most knowledgeable and qualified candidate and has been involved in so many issues in many communities in Madison. He serves on city committees, works in the community and shows he can get things done. Weier is sincere and involved in the northside, but lacks . . . something. I don’t have the same confidence in her. The third candidate (Steve Coleman) again is a nice guy who seems sincere, but I don’t think he makes it out of the primary, since he admitted he mostly works and only knows what he reads in the paper.

There you have it, my quick run down of the races (wish I had another four hours to spend on this post, there’s so much I could say) and my predictions. It’s obviously all more complicated than a sentence or two per race and I don’t have enough time to give you all the links. Just google it if you’re confused, but most of all, don’t forget to vote!


  1. I actually was polled on my cell phone where I voiced my support for Scott Mcdonell.

    I have been called on my cell phone a few times for McDonell, Wineke and Kloppenburg. Every time they called me on my cell, they immediately called my home number with the same message.


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