Friday Morning Round Up

I’m feeling better, go to work, not go to work? I don’t think my staff really want me there lest the catch what I have . . . . I have a board retreat on Saturday and volunteer training in Milwaukee on Sunday, so I’m not feeling like I have to go, except for dealing with what is piling up on my desk . . . and getting some of my work done, which I could probably get a good start on from home . . . hmmmmm . . . .

I wonder how many times we’re going to see this same story playing out throughout the state?

For those who have been following the Edgewater saga the closest, the recent “whining” (sorry, there is no other way to describe it, several people have used that word with me when describing Dunn’s behavior) by Bob Dunn is peculiar. The UDC meeting was largely favorable on Wednesday night (sorry, still working on the final update) with them agreeing there was good progress on every major area except the height. But . . . there were several suggestions on how to mitigate the height and generally an attitude that it can be dealt with, there was just a hesitancy to be supportive because they did not have the information they needed to see how it would impact the site, in short, they needed a full application and complete drawings of the site. Dunn should have been pleased, instead, he sat through the meeting with the biggest scowl on his face.

(I didn’t catch some of the better faces he was making)
And then, he whined to the papers. It’s like he didn’t hear all the praises and thanks for making some major improvements. Even from the opponents. For him to complain because the committee didn’t take action, well, its either disingenuous or he’s dumber than a rock. The Urban Design Commission couldn’t give initial approval based on three drawings (previous application materials submitted by Hammes were 70 – 165 pages long) and without application materials required by law. Icing on the whiner cake what this comment.

“It seems like we always get back to this point where there’s this cloud of uncertainty, and I don’t think it’s the result of any lack of effort on our behalf,” Hammes Co. President Robert Dunn said.

Seriously? They couldn’t even answer many of the questions because their latest proposal was just a day or two old and Urban Design continued to ask for information they had previously requested. And they don’t think they had anything to do with it? Read the article. I hate to say it, but Clear’s response was more realistic. I can’t believe Dunn responded so negatively to largely positive feedback and is thinking about giving up. Whiner indeed.

If the Daily Cardinal is right, this is crazy. There’s a new project on the table that is different than the one the Landmark’s Commission voted on, they should refer this back to the Landmark’s Commission to vote on again, especially now that the final meeting has been pushed back to mid-April. And, um, if they want to limit the number of times a project comes before a committee, well, they should just not accept an incomplete application. The Urban Design Commission is still asking for items that they asked for last August – in reviewing the process, they need to look at what the developer is doing (or not doing) as well.

When I saw the picture of the giant sign, I immediately thought, the city won’t let that stay there for long. And they didn’t.

The hypocrisy is astounding. Mayor Dave Cieslewicz really does take his plays out of the Bush playbook doesn’t he? Seriously, he’s tried to overrule and take power away from the Transit and Parking Commission (bus fares), the Water Utility (hiring and firing Water Utility Manager), Landmark’s Commission (Edgewater), Zoning Board of Appeals (Edgewater) and ran over the top of recommendations by the Equal Opportunities Commission (Chronic Nuisance), I may be missing a few and now . . . he calls into question the County Executive doing the exact same thing. Pot. Kettle. Black.

Additionally, he complains about only having 4 days notice. Again, check out how the city does its business. The Board of Estimates agendas come out 3 days in advance of the meeting, with two days being a weekend, he’s never had a problem with that, and this is the cities main finance committee. Again, Pot. Kettle. Black. Additionally, he appointed his own staff to the Public Safety Review Board Committee that vetted the new automated 911 system at their last two meetings (Dec and Jan).

I don’t get the grandstanding over $33,00 unless it has something to do with the interoperability negotiations. I bet we spend a huge chunk of that $33,000 on attorney work, you did see how many of them were in the top 20 highest paid employees, right?

Finally, I can’t believe they used the “p” word at the end of this article. Think of all the precedents he has set with the screwed up Edgewater process, that didn’t seem to bother him at all. Pot. Kettle. Black.

In the end, he might be right, but if he is, then the county should pay 100% for the interoperability system (Dane Com) including maintenance and operating costs. (See post later today on County Board meeting last night). Again, Pot. Kettle. Black.

Well said, again.

This is a great investment in addition to creating jobs.

Seems I always have a conflict with the ALRC meetings, so I glad Dane 101 does these.

Let’s hope that is a pain the doctor can help fix. I know if I didn’t have insurance, I would have to give up my insulin pump and would go broke paying for testing strips, insulin and thyroid medication and would probably stop taking the rest of the medications they have me on. There needs to be a solution soon.

The first one! Thursday, March 4th its at 4:30 in room 315 of the City-County Building. In, ahem, the nicely county remodeled rooms on the third floor. I wonder where those agendas for these meetings will get posted? It’s not really a city or county meeting.

Good point about only having 1 primary in the 37 county board seats. Must mean we are all satisfied with our county board, right? 😉

Let’s hope we have better election turn out in April. And here’s your chance to get informed! Sunday, 1:30, Wright Middle School.

Spider Weber has a name! Ava (Super) Star Weber was born last night at 9:09 to my friends Mark and Erin. 8.28 lbs, 20.5 inches. It was cool to follow the (slow) progress on facebook yesterday. Seems funny to see friends have a wedding in a hospital on tv. Mark says they made the news as far as Russia. Rob and I know Mark and Erin because Mark and Rob run sound together from time to time through Pressure Wall Productions, Mark’s sound company. Mark is also mixing the Baghdad Scuba Review album (here’s a sample) and unbelievably was emailing the band about the latest track yesterday during labor. Also, when we bought our new house, they used our attic to record the drum tracks for not only Baghdad’s album, but Little Marsh Overflow as well. Anyways, I digress, congratulations Mark and Erin! That was one long labor – I hope everyone is resting and happy! Can’t wait to see the new family!


On Tuesday, Feb. 24th, there will be a public hearing focused on a proposal to change the state’s current practices regarding the WI Circuit Court Automated Program (CCAP). Currently no records are ever removed and every court contact, including divorces, small claims, etc… are included in the database, as are arrests and charges, regardless of conviction. Citizens are invited to share their stories and concerns with the seven judges on the WI Supreme Court about the CCAP system and the petition proposing changes to the system.

The current system is flawed and makes it difficult for many individuals to find housing and employment, despite a disclaimer on the site warning individuals not to consider dismissed charges, acquittals in employment or other decisions. Under the current system nothing is removed from CCAP, regardless of how long ago the event, regardless of whether the individual was found guilty, regardless of whether the information is personal.

Madison–area Urban Ministry supports the petition that will be presented to the Court. The petition, if adopted, would permit persons who have criminal cases that were either dismissed or for which they were acquitted to petition the circuit court to have their record expunged, including removal from CCAP. The petition sets forth standards the court would have to address in making this decision. The Petition would also allow any person to petition the court for the same releif after the mandatory retention time for criminal records has passed, whicc currently is a matter of decades depending on whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony.


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