Evening F-16 flights at Dane County Airport this week

With the decision about the F-35s looming over the community, this seems like an odd choice.  Feels like they are taunting us at this point.

They just had a week of night flight training in February, but they are back again.


The 115th Fighter Wing of the Wisconsin Air National Guard will be conducting evening training flights Monday, March 9, 2020 through Thursday, March 12, 2020. During this time area residents may see or hear F-16 fighter jets taking off or landing until approximately 9:00 p.m. Training flights normally take place during daylight hours, but pilots and maintenance personnel are required to conduct nighttime operations as a part of their overall readiness. Pilots will follow flight paths designed to minimize noise to area residents. The 115th Fighter Wing appreciates the overall support we have from the citizens of Wisconsin and the greater Madison area as we continue to train in support of our state and federal missions.

Last October the media reported there was only one complaint when the F-35s landed over the summer.  Perhaps that is because if people had to complain every time the airport was noisy it would be very time consuming.  Perhaps it wasn’t an accurate portrayal of the actual disruption to the people’s lives?

Airport Complaints

Here’s the airport noise complaint form.

Air National Guard Complaints

City of Madison says to complaint here:

  • File a noise complaint with Wisconsin Air National Guard Public Affairs: (608) 242-3050

The Air National Guard also has this on-line form.


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