Downtown Coordinating Committee Position on the Library

Wasn’t able to make it to the meeting, was still in Milwaukee, but here’s what they had to say:

Downtown Coordinating Committee Central Library Issue Position Statement; Endorsed April 15, 2010

At the August 20th, 2009 meeting of the Downtown Coordinating Committee, the members of the DCC voted unanimously to support the Fiore-Irgens Central Library proposal as the chosen option for the City to pursue the redevelopment of the Central Library and the entire Block for the following reasons:
• The proposal brings tremendously to the city in terms of fiscal feasibility and effectiveness of return for the taxpayer, catalytic economic development in this important block, a vision of a highest and best use for the block, and most importantly, a strong sign of the Madison community’s commitment to recognizing the importance of creating a world class LEED Library that symbolizes Madison’s strong support for the Library’s role as a key part of our culture and community far into the future.
• The Central Library and entire block redevelopment will bring significant increase in tax revenue, helping to make the actual cost to replace the library effectively less than the other options, including renovation in place.
• The proposal is an example of how Madison can effectively create a great “cluster” of significant cultural institutions within the downtown and can give the Library its appropriate prominence on a street that it shares with our historic Capitol, other historic buildings and recently developed buildings that project what our future downtown can become.

The DCC still strongly believe these important reasons evident in the votes of our committee and that of the Council and Library board last fall, are still true today. We do not believe that the current renovation proposal achieves these same goals.

Therefore, we strongly request that City policy leaders, the Mayor, City Council and key City staff should allot an appropriate period of time to meet with the development team and other key stakeholders, in good faith, in a process to provide to the community the following:
• Clarification on the real differences in project scope.
• A true cost comparison between the new construction and renovation options.

As a result of this discussion and important analysis time frame, we believe the decision of whether or not city policy leaders can adopt adjustments to the development will be more thoroughly considered.

We hope then that this suggested process with this project, which was unanimously and understandably supported by the DCC, Council and Library Board last fall, with all of its obvious positives for the future of Madison and our Central Library, will lead to a decision to make the project a reality that will contribute greatly to the future of our downtown and for the Madison community.

Apparently, it was unanimous with one abstention.


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