Don’t forget to vote today!

There will be short lines, won’t take long!! I suggest vote Feingold, Ozanne and Miles.

Only three contested races . . .

Vote for Russ Feingold – yeah, did you know he had an opponent?

The two other contested local races

Dane County District Attorney
Personally I’m voting for Ismael Ozanne. I know it might sound a little crazy given some obvious criticisms of him, but I honestly think he’ll do a better job and I have a greater trust in him. (I know, crazy right!) I sat through interviews with Progressive Dane with both of them and we didn’t endorse, but after listening to both of them for more than half an hour . . . that was the conclusion I am boo. Bob Jambois simply failed to convince me and on some issues, I simply think he got things wrong. So yeah, I said it, and yup, I’ll regret it, but I’m voting for Ish. (NO NEW JAIL!!!!!)

Dane County Treasurer
This one is a little more complicated. I’m voting for my high school friend Patrick Miles. But its not just because he’s my friend because I know and have worked with all three candidates. I simply think he’s the more liberal candidate that I trust to do the job. Adam Gallagher disappointed me great during the last budget or two budget’s ago. To me, he seems like he is there to do Joe Parisi’s job. I know Adam from working in the City Clerk’s office. And then there is Richard Brown. What can I say here, I like him, despite some things . . . He might be the most qualified . . . but he’s also the most conservative. This is a harder, less obvious vote, but I’m going with Patrick Miles. But I wish them all well.

Vote (and hope)!
Alright, you have the links to their websites, the League of Women Voters did their usually thorough job and you can find out more info there with videos and Know Your Candidates.  District Attorney and Treasurer Know it’s your turn. Be a good citizen. Do your job in our democracy. Vote.

(And hopefully your votes will be counted correctly and the machines will work!)



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