District 9 AHAA Answers: Nikki Conklin and Paul Skidmore on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 9


Didn’t answer


Describe what you see are the main housing problems in Madison.

There is not enough housing for the population of folks living/moving here. There is not truly affordable housing. We have a large population of folks experiencing homelessness. Tenants not do not know their rights, and there is not enough programs to get folks into home ownership. We also need to be looking at ways to build wealth.

Give your opinion of the site for the new men’s shelter, which is proposed for the East Towne Mall area.

I think it is a great idea, and a great use of space. Folks need a place that is warm, safe and dry to stay when experiencing homelessness. I think this is a great solution for men until they find more permanent housing. This space is available and should be used accordingly.

Due to COVID, some residents without housing set up camp at McPike Park in Madison and had been staying there since last summer. 

The City of Madison is no longer allowing camping in that park and made the people staying there leave.  Do you support this decision by the City of Madison?  Please explain your position.  Housing is a basic need, Homelessness is a public health issue. I do not agree with the City’s decision to make folks move out of the park. Where are they going to go? The City really just kicked them while they were down. At least when they were at the park, they had a community, a sense of belonging. Now folks are back in survival mode and will do just about anything to have their basic needs met.

Please provide your opinion of AHAA’s housing agenda outlined in the attached flier.  Below, write next to the corresponding number for each proposal whether you support it and give your reasons.

  1. I would support Tenant rights to Counsel for evictions- I am fighting for tenants’ rights as one of my platforms.
  2. I would support permanent Affordability. I want fair and quality affordable housing for all.
  3. I would incentive Good Landlords Behavior. I want to see my constituents and all residents of Madison to be informed as possible to make the best decision. When Landlords are held accountable they will have a standard to meet.
  4. Support Non-profit Capacity building – Yes I think we should make it easier for non-profits to acquire land to create much-needed opportunities for more housing like tiny home communities for people experiencing homelessness.
  5. New Homeless Service Position- Yes, I would support this position. We need folks on the frontlines to really advocate for folks experiencing homelessness.
  6. Start a social housing project- I would support this project. I think this would help to start building wealth. I believe all new developments should be mixed socioeconomic.
  7. Opportunity zone code of conduct- I would support the zone code of conduct. Residents should always be involved when new developments are building built and we need less gentrification.



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