David Denig Chakroff Gets it Right.

Sometimes things are not as they appear. It seems my blog has once again stirred up some news about the Water Utility. However, I’m afraid I may have contributed to the some of the perception of what the problem with the Water Utility is. In my rush to leave town for a few days, I didn’t include some kind of important information in my blog, like where I got the email about the fluoride from. The e-mail about fluoride came from David Denig-Chakroff. That’s right, the Water Utility leader was the one who did the right thing and sent the information to the alders instead of waiting another day for the Water Utility report to come out. While the original email was sent as written in my blog from Joe Grande to the water board. However, it was sent to the alders as follows:

From: Denig-Chakroff, David
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:17:48 AM
To: ALL ALDERS; MY GROUP; Nelson, Larry
Subject: FW: Well 28 elevated fluoride

In other words, we wouldn’t have found out if David Denig-Chakroff hadn’t forwarded the information to the alders. This is part of the reason that I hesitate to say that getting rid of him will solve the problems at the Water Utility. I think that the problems in the Water Utility go deeper than one person and we will just be disappointed if we just change one staff person. If we expect systemic changes, we need to make some major changes, not just removing one person.


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