Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven’t already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

While reading this, keep in mind, this Judge is a Tommy Thompson appointee.

For Immediate Release:
March 30, 2011

Contact: Blake Gober- blake@danegop.org
Jeff Waksman- jeff@danegop.org

Republican Party of Dane County Apologizes To Judge Sumi

The Republican Party of Dane County sent out a press release on March 29th criticizing Judge Maryann Sumi for holding up the publication of Governor Scott Walker’s collective bargaining reform bill. Upon further reflection we’d like to apologize for not understanding her point of view.

Sure, Governor Walker’s bill is unquestionably constitutional, increases worker’s rights and helps local government balance budgets without having to fire public workers. The Wisconsin state legislature consulted with their non-partisan parliamentarian to make sure that the passage of the bill followed the rules of the Senate and Assembly. But this isn’t about the law, is it?

The Republican Party of Dane County recognizes that Judge Sumi is a leftist living in Dane County. Her friends are leftists living in Dane County. Her son is a left wing activist in Dane County. She goes to cocktail parties held by leftists in Dane County. She shops at organic gourmet food shops run by leftists living in Dane County. If she were to enforce the law of Wisconsin and do what was in the best interest of the people of Wisconsin, she’d be exiled from her lifestyle. She’d lose her friends!

The leadership of the Republican Party of Dane County have all made the choice to stand against the Dane County elite. We accept that Left feels righteous vandalizing our homes and keying our cars. It’s only fair. We disagree based upon logic and principle. That is intolerable! We prioritize the Constitution and the well being of the people of Wisconsin over foie gras at cocktail parties. That’s the choice we made. We respect Judge Sumi’s decision to live her life with the rich diversity that liberals cherish.

Check out their backpedaling . . . or damage control spin.

From: Jeff Waksman
Date: March 30, 2011 8:18:41 AM CDT
Subject: press release

We’ve hit a nerve with my press release: http://thewheelerreport.com/releases/March11/0330/0330danecountygop.pdf

Blake & I are getting pounded with e-mails from angry people and I’ve also been contacted by two different reporters already this morning. If any of you get contacted, please be sure to say that we are not criticizing organic food, nor are we criticizing the people of Dane County. The serious point beneath the sarcasm is that Dane County is an intimidating place for people who want to challenge the far left on any issue. Half the stores in downtown Madison have signs in their windows saying that if you support Scott Walker you hate children and teachers – how many people have the courage to walk into those stores and speak freely about collective bargaining reform? So the point is that this intimidating environment makes it very hard for people to do the right thing in Dane County. It’s much easier to just go with the radical left on everything.

If you have any questions or don’t know how to respond to anything, please contact me either by e-mail or at [masked].


Did you know that they are not criticizing organic food or the people of Dane County? Did you know half the stores in downtown Madison have signs that say if you support Scott Walker you hate children and teachers?

Here’s some of the comments from my facebook friends:

On shopping at organic food stores:
– I suppose Walmart would be a better choice
– I am dumbfounded that they have not slammed her for attend temple as well. I wish people would follow the Golden Rule and treat people as people. All I care about is that she can separate her own opinions and rules based on the law
– When gourmet food is made leftist, then only leftists will have gourmet food.
– Wow health food junkie? How could anyone who cares about what they eat make good decisions, just a little sarcasm here………
– I’ll bet she even recycles and turns lights off when she leaves the room.
– This is entirely pertinent to her capacity to read and interpret law, right? It’s a typical weak Republican defense to resort to fallacy when things don’t go their way in court. And, this will be judicial activism next. Just watch.
– OMG! Organic food? When will the madness stop????

There were many more comments on various posts, but what in the world makes them write something like that? If you know any Republicans (yes, I know several living here in Dane County) ask them what they think of their party now. Tell them they should ask for an apology.


  1. Compared with what conservatives get here on a daily basis, including boycotts, intimidation, comparisons to Hitler, harassment? Pretty weak tea. Let me recycle UW professor William J. Cronon: “At long last madame, have you no sense of humor?”


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