Crane and Wolf Hunt in Wisconsin

Ribeye in the sky? Should we be hunting endangered species? Speak up tonight.

Please attend your county’s Conservation Congress at 7 pm Monday, April 9th. This is an annual election held every April where decisions are made about our wildlife, but the public usually doesn’t even know this is happening and the delegates and attendees are primarily hunters and trappers. It’s important that we who are non-violent and want to see our wildlife as part of our nature experiences, attend this very important meeting to have our voices heard. To find the location in your county.

Dane County’s is at 7 pm the Middleton/Cross Plains Performing Arts Center, 2100 Bristol St, Middleton, WI

Please come & read the details in this link. Bring your ID and you can vote at any age on the issues, but you need to be 18 to vote for a delegate. And please stay til the end to vote on a resolution to reverse the wolf kill bill that was passed. (The resolutions are always left til the end.) This wolf resolution will be offered in at least 5 counties, so far.

To read more about the crane and wolf issue, see these links:

“Madravenspeak‘s To Kill A Crane” (with video link of a crane hunt)

Patricia Randolph’s statement


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