County Board Recap

I didn’t do the week ahead, but I did make sure to cover them, on time! Medical marijuana referendum and war costs audit introduced. Lots of announcements including tractor pulls, turning down a road project and discussion of an economic development project (the one with the plastic Disney posters.)

The Chair, Scott McDonell does a quick count to see if they have quorum, a few more supervisors wander in. Apparently, Health and Human Needs, which is 7 supervisors, was still meeting at the start of the meeting.

Chair announces that there are 24 present 13 absent.

Absent at the start of the meeting: Bayrd (HHN), Clausius, Duranczyk (HHN), Ferrell (HHN), Gau (actually absent), Hendrick (late, will explain later), Levin (HHN), Richmond (actually absent), Sargent (HHN), Stoebig, Stubbs (HHN), Vedder (HHN), Veldran (actually absent)

Hulsey leaves early.

1. Prayer/Inspirational Message – Supervisor de Felice (Supervisor Downing next)
deFelice wants to talk about Mahatma Ghandi, he’s a man of peace, of non-violent means, he says the world is changing, and he reads a Ghandi quote that is a version of this: “The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice.” with an emphasis on the politics without principle. He says they should keep in mind the things that keep us on the straight and narrow and keep Dane County a special place to live.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor de Felice
They do.

1. Dane County Lakes & Watersheds State of the Waters Presentation
• Sue Jones, Office of Lakes & Watersheds Coordinator

She has a PowerPoint presentation, introduces self, usually comes to talk to them about Take a Stake in the Lakes, this time she wants tot talk about Yahara CLEAN initiatives. She says the beaches in Dane County are widely used, but there are public health issues Dane County Health Department pointed out in their report, due to the phosphorus there are algae blooms and chloride threatens the water quality. Phosphorus continues to be an issue and you have taken initiatives to work. Paddle to Work Day was this morning. She lists off some of the champions this year that recently got awards. Says there are many projects in the works and she lists some, she talks about Madison area municipal storm water partnership and their activities in 2009. She talks about campaign. Mostly wants to focus on Yahara CLEAN MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) which was signed in Feb 2008, it requires them to develop a community vision, reduce nutrient and sediment pollution and work for healthier beaches. They have a vision, they hired a consultant to do watershed wide study on phosphorus and sediment. Northwest is a big issue with phosphorus. They hope to see major reductions in P loads (phosphorus) delivered to the lakes, but it will take a long time to occur cuz of P built up in the soils. They have other possible urban actions they are working on,they are not yet recommendations, they have a large technical committee that is meeting tomorrow to look at detailed version of this. They will also be looking at flooding. Agricultural options has a manure task force for winter spreading of winter manure and that might reconvene. Looking at digesters in other areas, and other items. They are looking at other options like dredging. Beaches is another items, there are impaired beaches, mostly in Madison because we test our beachers more. Bernies, Brittingham, Esther, Olbrich Olin and Vilas. Solutions vary for the beaches, including goose management. Next steps will be a staff report, July 21 there will be a meeting where they seek additional public input, will move to detailed plan after that. She talks about grants they have gotten and thanks the members involved in the committees.

No questions or comments.

2. Announcements
John Hendrick apologizes for being late, he says the reason his face is red is because he played the first half of a soccer game, it was 2 – 0 when he left. That’s not why he rose to speak. He says he has an advisory referendum for the November ballot regarding medical marijuana. It is a is a defense against marijuana laws in 14 states and the District of Columbia, many may know people who benefits from treatment of marijuana, give the people a chance to vote on it, invites them to sign on.

Kurt Schlicht is circulating a letter to the Village of Cross Plains, they are voting on project on June 30 to put a road within 20 feet of Black Earth Creek, he wanted to get something to them before that. He invited EANR (Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources) to look at it on Tuesday, those members thought it was a bad idea. The letter suggests they do something else, he and Patrick Downing drafted the letter, they wanted to get it to them before they vote.

Wiggie, reminds them about the Cottage Grove Festival this weekend which is a fundraiser by firefighters, there is lots going on, pony rides for McDonell’s kids, safe ride program if you indulge, bands and baseball, Dane County’s finest will be carding people, parade Saturday at 11, it goes the whole weekend, there will be tractor pulls also.

Denise Duranczyk, invites them to only Jr. Fair in Wisconsin, it is the only one in state, it is in Stoughton (or is that Stoughon) June 30 – July 4th, good things for kids and adults, cheese curds are wonderful, along with cream puffs, rides and tractor pulls and fireworks on July 4th, come down if you have the opportunity.

Ronn Ferrell says July 2 is the 234 anniversary of signing of Declaration of Independence, July 4th is when government got around to announcing it. Elver Park has fireworks in evening, its a smaller venue than others on north side, just as much fun and as many fireworks. Also, July 15th the Dane County fair starts the 14th – 18th, on night of 15th when they meet that is military appreciation day and military vets and families enter at no cost if they have a military id, all the info is at or 223-2054 or maybe they could take a road trip for their next meeting.

McDonell says that would be great, you can all watch my kids. He says the new problem is that they want to ride the rides they are too small for.

Barbara Vedder says she has 2 items, one for Kyle Richmond who is absent, it is a resolution for a federal public audit of war spending and supporting War is Making Us Poor Act in congress, approximately 57% of federal budget is going to military expenditures will little oversight, given the recession, that is affecting us locally with community services, transportation and health care and other issues in our local budget. Has a local impact. Her second items is a letter she is urging us to send letter to President and WI delegation to demand that end of blockade of Gaza strip, nothing has been able to go into or out of the country, recent flotilla tried and they were attacked by the government of Israel and 9 people killed, including an American and 60 injured. End the blockage and fully cooperate with investigation by UN.

Sheila Stubbs says Saturday is Juneteenth Celebration in South Madison, parade at 10 am, event ends at 6, food, booths, stop by and enjoy Juneteenth.

Brett Hulsey says following up on Sue Jones, he has a letter to Secretary of the DNR about the high lake levels, problem is record rains or snow for past 4 years, ground is saturated. Letter that he and Supervisor Bruskewitz wrote asks the Secretary to reconvene groups like the Yahara Lakes Advisory Group (YLAG) and the Lakes and Watersheds Commission on the Lake Level Subcommittee to update them on the progress made on the 2000 recommendations. We have 600 homes in 100 year flood plains in Dane County at risk of constant flooding,

1. Claims Recommended for Approval

Patrick Miles moves to approve, usually Gau seconds but he is gone and I didn’t hear who seconded, there is no discussion, passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

2. Claims Recommended for Denial
Al Matano moves to adopt, Ferrell seconds, no discussion, passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

1. Res. 7, 10-11 – Authorizing Execution of Amendment to Lease at the Dane County Regional
Airport (Adopt)
2. Res. 28, 10-11 – Authorizing Lease and Option Termination with Madison Country Day School,
Inc. (Adopt)
3. Res. 31, 10-11 – Approval of the Capital Springs State Recreation Area Master Plan (Adopt)

There are no requests for separation, motion to adopt passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

a. Map of Dane County
b. Summary of Grant as Modified Petitions
1. Petition 10145 – Town of Christiana – North Evergreen LLC (Grant as Modified)
2. Petition 10151 – Town of Oregon – Gerald Jensen (Grant as Modified)
3. Petition 10192 – Town of Sun Prairie – Janet Loomis (Grant as Modified)
4. Petition 10203 – Town of Medina – Thomas Zickert (Grant as Modified)

Jensen abstains on G2, to which McDonell replies “that makes sense”.

Motion to grant passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

1. Ord. Amdt. 2, 09-10 – Amending Chapter 75, Regarding Lots Exempt from the Requirement of a
Subdivision Plat or Certified Survey Map (No Recommendation)

Hendrick says that Vogel was author and she is not here but he wanted to make a couple remarks before a motion to re-refer, a lot of people over last year have asked what they are trying to ban, problem is they are not banning anything, that is why it is confusing. If you ask a different question, if land division review ordinance requires a 34 acre lot has to be reviewed, why not 36, then it seems obvious. Hopes to get it done in the next couple month, maybe even next couple meetings, they had a productive meeting with the Towns Association, he will be looking for support in future.

Miles moves re-referral, there is no recommendation because there are details to be worked out, Supervisor Hendrick is discussing with the Towns Association.

Downing seconds to re-refer.

Motion passes unanimously on a voice vote.

2. Ord. Amdt. 2, 10-11 – Amending Chapter 11, Regarding Fee Exemptions for Municipal Road
Maintenance Projects (Adopt)

No discussion, after a bit of confusion, the motion passes unanimously on a voice vote.

1. Res. 291, 09-10 – Approving Agreements and Budget Amendment for the Clean Energy Clean
Lakes Project (Adopt/Adopt Sub. 1)

McDonell announces that item I. 1. is a 2/3 vote, so they make it agenda item K. 5. There is no objection to that.

2. Res. 8, 10-11 – Authorizing Execution of a Hangar Ground Lease at the Dane County Regional
Airport (Adopt)

No discussion, passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

3. Res. 29, 10-11 – Supporting Application for DATCP Purchase of Agricultural conservation
Easement (PACE) Funds in Towns of Dane and Springfield (Adopt)

Dave Ripp asks for a change for a typo, McDonell says its a technical amendment and they will fix it, there is no objection. Motion passes on a voice vote that sounded unanimous.

4. *Res. 39, 10-11 – Award of Contract for the Printing of Optical Scan Ballots ( )

McDonell says that Personnel and Finance voted 4 – 0 – 1 (?) for the resolution.

deFelice abstains.

There is no discussion, the motion passes on a voice vote that seemed unanimous.

5. *Res. 53, 10-11 – Approving Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Imagination
Trends ( )

McDonell announces that Personnel and Finance voted 4 – 1 earlier this evening.

Matano says that as Vice Chair of ZLR he wanted them to know they voted 3-1 (?) on this and next one.

deFelice says he had some reservations at personnel and finance and wants to give reasons, this company is asking for a $350K in a loan from the County and the company is proposing to have interactive wall posters, like pin the tail on the donkey and they can be reused as toys. These are Disney products, that’s all good, its a good idea, its trendy and new, but he has problems with financial aspects of it. Paragraph 7 on resolution states that one of the individuals is in bankruptcy, he is a partner in the project they have a personal guarantee. This is a $350K loan, largest loan from the fund, once disbursed it swill use 80% of the fund, they should have another look or be sent back or be rejected so more can be ascertained about it and the background of applicant. This is supposed to be for in-fill projects, not sure where that location is and supposed to provide jobs to low income individual and have $400K matching and all of these items are questions yet to be answered. He has significant questions, so he is going to vote no.

Dennis O’Loughlin wants to respond 1) county does not make the loan 2) CDBG is federal money, our job is to administer and determine through underwriting skills whether it meets tests that are required by federal governemnt. CDBG and the Revolving Loan Committee have decided yes. One of the individuals mentioned, who is partner, was out of work in 2007 and 2008 and had no health insurance, sound familiar?, he had a very serious illness, he is in personal bankruptcy, re-assumed house, he is an investor, it a cause his mother and father feel so strongly that they are putting their cash into him and he is investing it in this project, it requires one for one match, we have that, we do not have it in our pocket or verified though assets verification but will have it before 10 cents given out. 2) (again?) This project had a press conference a week ago yesterday, it is an amazing process we are witnessing, its a huge opportunity for community and community of Deforest, it is not “infill”, but taking blighted building and it is being rehabbed, 25 people, 8 from vocational rehab will get jobs. They have $247,000 in purchase orders and $400,000 orders. They need it to be executed quickly, Christmas is around the corner, that is why they are pushing it, Olivia Perry did a great job pushing this forward. We guarantee that before loan disbursed, every person will personally guarantee, $350K will be matched by $350 cash verified, they will monitor this and watch to see before loan closes see how many orders come in, $247K in, they will hire 20 – 25 people immediately, they will stay in their current quarters until late 2012 when they decide where moving, he also says that they can read the resolution, he says that Miles said that there is no question this is the best opportunity we have had. That is why we were there for the press conference.

Cynda Solberg says she is in support, she is on CDBG and Personnel and Finance and saw full presentation, that made her more convinced than ever, it is true they were denied from 3 banks, but that is why we are here, if they could get money at a bank they wouldn’t come to us. One investor did declare bankruptcy, there are 5 others, there will be 25 – 45 jobs, 8 targeted to DVR, they gave a glowing reference, they have worked with them in the past. O’Loughlin says timing is of the essence, even tho it is a start up, they have been in the business for years.

Miles is in support, he wants to clarify so no one misunderstands source of funds, this is not county dollars, this is federal dollars passing through the county, they are CDBG funds. We need to still do careful analysis and assess risk and as Supervisor O’Loughlin stated, it is worth emphasizing not a cent will go out until guarantees confirmed. While there were health issues with one of the partners, nothing will happen unless guarantees are made. They did try to get traditional financing through lenders, but its a sign of the times, banks wanted cash sales in hand, they don’t have those, this is a chicken and egg thing. They have $247K plus in guaranteed sales, purchase orders before they even started. There will be 25 – 35 jobs in just this company, more than twice what program requires, that is not the only benefit, principles of this have made conscience decision to source with other local businesses, for example, Ingenuity Plastics in Cross Plains will get several hundred for that business and those jobs will be saved. This is lowest risk loan looked at in years on the revolving loan fund committee but greatest gain in economic benefit and jobs and goals.

Ripp in support, main person who is running this company started a business a few years ago in the garage and building so fast they have moved a couple time, she’s a firewall, she can get the job done, ton of confidence, we need to help a little bit and we will see the jobs. In other company they work with special needs youth, bring kids in and give job training, wonderful goal, not costing us a dime.

deFelice, points out that even if it is not county money, money is money, its taxpayer money, county has enough problems with fiscal responsibility, they lost their AAA rating, this does not look good. He does not want to beat up on the business, but they have to be responsible, this is a large loan that gave him pause and this will empty the fund and there are other applications out there. The company didn’t make their case to three lenders, they must have not met the standards. He could see this if it was a new biotech project, but not one that makes promises and could not meet 3 lenders criteria. He moves to re-refer to Personnel and Finance.

Hendrick seconds.

On the motion to refer, there is no discussion, its a voice vote that maybe had two nos, the motion fails.

On the main motion, passes on a voice vote, deFelice sounds like the only no and asks to be recorded as voting no.

6. *Res. 56, 10-11 – Approving Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Loan White
Gold Dairy ( )

McDonell says Personnel and Finance recommended adoption.

Jensen asks for misspellings to be fixed and McDonell says that will be done.

Miles says that the Economic Development Committee also recommended approval of this and previous one.

1. Res. 17, 10-11 – Resolution Supporting an Independent Study of Wisconsin’s Economic
Development Competitiveness and Positioning (Adopt/Adopt w Amdt.)

McDonell says the motion is adoption.

deFelice asks if this commits the county.

McDonell says no.

Tom Stoebig asks author if this is supporting a study, has the study been released?

McDonell says it will be released soon, Executive Committee says its not a big deal.

Miles says that Economic Development passed it with the amendment striking line Stoebig asked about, said it will be released. He moves the committee amendment.

Stoebig seconds.

On the amendment, no discussion, passes on what sounded like a unanimous voice vote.

On the main motion, no further discussion, motion passes on what sounded like a unanimous voice vote, but I was unsure on this one.

2. Res. 44, 10-11 – Dane County, Wisconsin Resolution Waiving the Public Bidding Requirement of
Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1103(11)(B)1 By Clear Horizons LLC for Construction of the
Waunakee Community Manure Digester Project (Adopt)

McDonell says Personnel and Finance passed it 8- 0

No discussion, passes on what sounded like a unanimous voice vote.

3. Res. 45, 10-11 – Dane County, Wisconsin Initial Resolution for Revenue Bonds Which Also
Constitutes a Resolution Declaring Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures on the Project with
Proceeds of a Tax-Exempt Borrowing (Adopt)

No discussion, passes on what sounded like a unanimous voice vote.

4. *Res. 46, 10-11 – Supporting Application for State Purchase of Agricultural Conservation
Easement Funds in Town of Blue Mounds ( )

McDonell says that adoption was the recommendation of the committee earlier this evening, no discussion passes unanimous voice vote.

5. *Res. 52, 10-11 – Creating the Dane County 175th Anniversary Planning Committee ( )

McDonell says Executive adopted, there is no discussion, passes on what sounds like a unanimous voice vote.

6. *Res. 57, 10-11 – County Executive Appointments ( )

McDonell says that the Executive Committee passed this unanimously. There is no discussion, passes unanimously on a voice vote.

1. Res. 26, 10-11 – Authorizing Fund Transfers to Fund Preliminary Engineering Review for
Reconstruction of CTH D (Fish Hatchery Rd) (Adopt)
2. Res. 27, 10-11 – Authorizing Fund Transfers to fund Construction of Paved Shoulder on CTH KP
3. Res. 30, 10-11 – Acceptance of Two Lake Planning Grants from the WI Department of Natural
Resources (Adopt)
4. Res. 36, 10-11 – Accepting Wisconsin Works (W-2) Funding DCDHS – EAWS Division (Adopt)

McDonell reminds them that this montion includes Resolution 291, which is now K5, there is a substitute on that one and he says that is what Hulsey moves and Stoebig seconds. So, the motion is on K 1 – 4 and resolution 291.

Hulsey says thanks for supporting this, when you pick up the Wisconsin State Journal you see huge stories on factory farms, we don’t have any in Dane County but this is an unusual opp for liquid manure task force after the big spill and thanks to Richmond for picking up the report and moving it forward, 100s of hours of staff time, this will be first regional manure facility, 60% of phosphorus removed, they have money for one more, hopefully they will find another site, there should be dozens of these thoughout the state to clean up lakes and rivers and streams.

Mike Willett moves to separate K1

McDonell takes the vote on K5 first, they need to adopt the substitute, which they do, then pass the main motion. Both motions passed on voice votes that sounded unanimous.

McDonell asks if there are any objections to recording a unanimous vote on items K 2, 3 and 4. No objections.

Willett has question for staff.

Hulsey is leaving at this point.

Willett asks what the timeline is on the project for 2010 funds, when does plan need to be done?

Jerry says that the plan starts this year, DOT has a management consultant that manages design and construction, they have to enter into contract to get funding.

Willett asks if this was a road they were already planning.

Jerry says in it was on the schedule, when ARRA funding came out it was one of the candidates, but because of the timeline restrictions, any project with a railroad crossing couldn’t meet it, that is why got bumped.

Willettt says he has issues with it cuz excess funds form cap projects, this is money we didn’t spend and grabbing it cuz it is there and we’re pplying it to something else, there are other projects on hold that we want to do, but grabbing this one cuz we found excess money, not sure if road is good or bad project, doesn’t quite understand the answer, but this is not the budget procedure and we’re not doing it, he thinks we need to send message this is not the way we do it, talk about it at budget time, talk when doing capital budget.

Hendrick asks to be recorded as voting no and several people call for a roll call.

AYE: Downing, Duranczyk, Erickson, Hampton, Hesselbein, Levin, Matano, O’Loughlin, Ripp, Rusk, Sargent, Schlicht, Schmidt, Stoebig, Stubbs, Vedder, Bayrd, Corrigan and McDonell
NO: deFelice, Eicher, Ferrell, Hendrick, Imhoff, Jensen, Martz, Miles, Salov, Wiggie, Willett, Solberg, Bruskewitz and Clausius
ABSENT: Gau, Hulsey (BUSTED!), Richmond, Veldan

The motion is 19 – 14 – 4. The motion fails because a 2/3 vote is required. Its a 2/3 vote of the body, not those present.


N. ADJOURNMENT – Until Thursday, July 15, 2010, 7:00PM, Or Call of Chair
Hendrick moves to adjourn, Schlicht seconds and they disburse.


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