County Board Recap

Wow. Love the county board – they sure know how to get things done fast! Tho, next time I hear a county board supervisor say something about how the media doesn’t pay any attention to them, I might have to remind them that they have to do something in order to get covered.

A. ROLL CALL – Excuse Supervisor O’Loughlin
Sounded like the following people were absent Manning, Miles, O’loughlin, Stubbs? Bruskewitz?, Hendrick

Scott McDonell, county board chair announces 31 present, 6 absent with Manning, O’Loughlin and Hendrick excused.

1. Prayer/Inspirational Message – Supervisor Hesselbein (Supervisor Hulsey next)
Hesselbein say last month her and Salov attended the EMS banquets that is is held annually, to talk about survivors, 21 survivors, the stories people tell are so touching and she feels fortunate to be on the EMS commission to show what a combined effort it is between law enforcement, the dispatchers, the emergency medical technicians, the firefighters, both rural and Local 311, that all help to keep us safe. 35% increase of people saved last year, feels so fortunate to live in Dane County.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor Hesselbein
They do.

1. Res. 301, 2009-2010 – Memorial to Charles “Chuck” Himsel

Downing says that he had privilege and honor of serving with the man he is asking you to pass a resolution in honor of tonight, for over 20 years. Knew this man as someone who always aimed high and almost always hit the mark. While I thought I knew him, I came to know him even more at his recent funeral, with the showing of 3,000 people who filled the streets of Mt. Horeb and through the stories I heard from those people, I came to have an even greater respect for this man of great passion. And with that he asks you to pass this resolution, he reads the resolution.

Moved by Downing seconded by Rusk, passes on a voice vote.

2. Presentation: Dane County Economic Development Annual Report – Olivia Parry, Economic Development Specialist
McDonell says this item will need to be rescheduled, Olivia had to leave town suddenly do to a family issue so they will reschedule that.

3. Announcements
Brett Hulsey says that it is March Madness time with many exciting activities going on in Dane County but the Madison Memorial Spartan Basketball team which they awarded last time did beat Neenah handily and will go to the quarter finals tomorrow night at 6:30 at the Kohl Center and hopefully to the finals Saturday night. Come on out, there are still tickets available in the nose bleed section for tomorrow night, they were impressive, I know people were getting Madison Memorial fatigue but hopefully they will be back in the winners circle.

1. Claims Recommended for Approval

Moved by Al Matano, seconded by Duane Gau. Bob Salov abstains from ABI, number 2. Passes on voice vote.

2. Claims Recommended for Denial
Moved by Kurt Schlicht, seconded by Mike Willett. No discussion passes on a voice vote.

D. APPROVAL OF PROCEEDINGS – February 4 & 18, 2010
Moved by Matano, seconded by Dave deFelice. No discussion passes on a voice vote.

1. Res. 257, 09-10 – County Executive Appointments (Adopt)
2. Res. 277, 09-10 – County Executive Appointments (Adopt)
3. Res. 285, 09-10 – Authorizing Emergency Fire Wardens for Dane County for the Year 2010 (Adopt)

McDonell asks for requests for separation, there are none. Motions are as noted on the agenda. Passes on a voice vote.

a. Map of Dane County
b. Summary of Grant as Modified Petitions
1. Petition 10123 – Town of Dane – Gregg Chapman (Grant as Modified)
2. Petition 10133 – Town of Pleasant Springs – James Klubertanz, et al. (Grant as Modified)
3. Petition 10141 – Town of Berry – Matthew Wolff (Grant)
4. Petition 10142 – Town of Windsor – Windsor Golf Ventures Inc. (Grant as Modified)
5. Petition 10143 – Town of Verona – Robert Bovy (Grant as Modifed)
6. Petition 10144 – Town of Sun Prairie – Calvin Hetzel (Grant)
7. Petition 10153 – Town of Montrose – Timothy Jelle (Grant)

It’s 7:10, Wiggie makes a motion to suspend the rules to take them up before 7:30, he says there doesn’t appear to be any opposition on any of them tonight. Seconded by Matano. Takes a 2/3 vote to suspend the rules to take them up early, McDonell asks if there are any objections to suspending the rules, there are none. He says the rules are suspended. There are no requests for separations, he notes the committee recommendations are what is before them. Passes on a voice vote.

1. *Ord. Amdt. 54, 09-10 – Amending Chapter 18, Authorizing Leave of Absence for Bone Marrow and Organ Donors ( )

McDonell says motion is adoption. One registrant Shannon Meyer from AFSCME local 720.

Shannon Meyer, President of AFSCME Local 720 Dane County Employees, representing 750 Dane county employees. Is here urging you to support ordinance amendment, benefit to employees, have had employees use their own time to donate bone marrow and we had two employees who donated kidneys and she says there are probably more stories she has not heard of, the hardship to the family, a financial hardship for the person receiving the donation, but also a hardship for the person giving the donation. Urges your support and hopes other municipalities and private sector employees will do the same.

Personnel and Finance recommendation of adoption is before them, their recommendation was 5-0.

Jeff Kostelic says this was brought to his attentiono by Supervisor O’Loughlin who wasn’t here when we introduced it and isn’t here tonight. He got to know supervisor O’Loughlin because my wife donated a kidney and Supervisor O’Louglin’s wife works in the kidney donation section of the UW Hospital so I got to know him through that and I got to know a lot more about donation and what it means to the recipient and what it means to the person making the donation. This ordinance follows on the heels of what the Federal Government did in 199 and what the State government did back in 2004, we are adopting that same policy for our own employees and nice to see UW hospital is stepping up and providing for their employees as well. The policy use will be rare but it will be very valuable to those who do use it. It’s not like we have a lot of employees stumbling all over themselves wanting to give their kidneys away or that we’ll have bone marrow coming out of our ears because of this, but it will help take the sting out of donating bone marrow or an organ.

Carousel Bayrd has a question for staff, wanted to know if we offer paid leave for people who are absent for other reasons for dying or elderly parent or relative or child.

Trevor Myren, says no, employees have to use their own leave time.

Bayrd asks if they have to take unpaid leave, he says yes.

Bayrd asks if we provide paid leave when someone adopts a child or has a child?

Myren says no.

Motion passes on a voice vote with no discussion.

1. *Res. 263, 09-10 – Authorization to Lease Backhoe/Excavator – Land and Water Resources Parks Division (Adopt)

McDonell says it was unanimous at EANR and Personnel and Finance. No discussion, passes on a voice vote.

2. *Res. 272, 09-10 – Change Order #40 to Contract for Roberts Construction for New Badger Prairie Health Care Center (Adopt)
McDonell says they need to move sub 1. Moved by Wiggie, seconded by Schlicht. No discussion, sub 1 is before them, they vote and it passes on a voice vote.

1. *Res. 290, 09-10 – County Executive Appointments ( )

McDonell says that the Executive Committee recommended it earlier this evening in a 5-0 vote.

Matano say that he will vote yes, just confused on Katherine McMahon, one of two City of Madison Mayoral appointments.

McDonell explains the Mayor has two nominations to the County Executive and she needs to pick one, we control the Lakes and Watershed Commission and we have to approve it. We had that exact same question in committee. No further discussion passes on voice vote.

1. *Res. 274, 09-10 – Addendum for Fly Dane 2009-1010 Digital Orthophotography & Terrain Project (Adopt)
2. *Res. 279, 09-10 – Authorizing Expenditure for Scheidegger County Forest (Adopt)
3. *Res. 281, 09-10 – National Association of County and City Health Officials Planning Grant (Adopt)
4. *Res. 282, 09-10 – Authorizing an Agreement to Accept Grant Funds “Project Safe
Neighborhoods” (Adopt)
5. *Res. 283, 09-10 – Authorizing an Agreement to Accept Homeland Security and Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance Grant Funds (Adopt)
6. *Res. 284, 09-10 – Accepting Homeland Security/Regional SCIP Implementation Grant (Adopt)
7. *Res. 287, 09-10 – Increasing Assessment Services for the Drug Court Treatment Program DCDHS – ACS Division (Adopt)
8. *Res. 288, 09-10 – Accepting Farmland Preservation Planning Grant (Adopt)
9. *Res. 289, 09-10 – Award of Contract for Land Records Software (Adopt)

McDonell says item 5 is not properly before them, so they have items 1 – 4 and 6 – 9 and asks for requests for separation. There are none. McDonell asks if they can record a unanimous vote, Salov abstains from 274. No objections besides the abstention so he says it is so ordered.


N. ADJOURNMENT – Until Thursday, April 1, 2010, 7:00PM, Or Call of Chair
* Contingent on Committee Action week of March 15, 2010.

Moved by Moved by deFelice seconded by Jeremy Levin, there is no discussion and it passes on a voice vote.

I wish city meetings were this easy!!!


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