County Board Recap

Chair McDonell requested that I say something nice about the County Board in my blog . . . ok, I will . . . The meeting only lasted 20 minutes! 🙂

Absent: Erickson, Kostelic, Martz, O’Laughlin

1. Prayer/Inspirational Message – Bayrd (Bruskewitz next)
Bayrd read a poem by by Alice Walker – Expect Nothing

Expect nothing. Live frugally
On surprise.
become a stranger
To need of pity
Or, if compassion be freely
Given out
Take only enough
Stop short of urge to plead
Then purge away the need.

Wish for nothing larger
Than your own small heart
Or greater than a star;
Tame wild disappointment
With caress unmoved and cold
Make of it a parka
For your soul.

Discover the reason why
So tiny human midget
Exists at all
So scared unwise
But expect nothing. Live frugally
On surprise.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor Bayrd
Bayrd asked them to join her in the pledge.

1. Res 151, 2009 – 2010 – Recognizing the Month of November 2009 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month” in Dane County

Rusk reads the resolution (found here if you’d like). Rusk moves approval, seconded by Gau. Rusk introduces a survivor and an advocate.

Barb Carlin [I always feel bad I might be spelling people’s names wrong . . .], husband died 10 years ago, back then there was nothing beyond a phamplhet that explained about what a pancreas is and that you aren’t going to live. Since then groups have formed across the nation to help raise awareness, three years ago a local affiliate was formed. In the last 5 or 6 years a national repository for tissue samples was created, there is more info on clinical trials, and there has been $1.2M given for research and $3.2M next year. The more import and she introduces Terry Anders who has survived for 4 years.

Anders says the the resolution means a lot, she has survived for 4 years and after recovery she has been able to advocate for federal funding and working with local action network. It is a deadly disease and people die quickly so not a lot of survivors to advocate.

Carlin says you may know someone or you will. There are resources at, there is a database and trained advocates to help you. Anders is doing the Jazz for Hope event, raised $95,000 last year and hoping to raise more this year. Also student chapter will have an event in November.

2. Announcements
Levin says combined campaign is in affect, he has collected from 9 of 40 eligible employee, and raised $1500 so they are on their way. Last year they had 26 participants and raised $4500. They have until Nov 6 and if you need and extra forms let him know.

Levin says it is his honor to introduce the RTA resolution to authorize the formation of the RTA and asks his colleagues to please sign on for Chair McDonell’s resolution.

Rusk says that former County Board Bupervisor and Board Chair Mary Louise Simon died last night at age 87. There will be a service on Sunday in Spring Green and he will communicate any details from the family. He notes she was the only woman that was the Chair of the County Board and that she will be greatly missed.

Salov says that most people may not have carefully perused the tax spread sheet but this is the first month this year that we surpassed last year in sales taxes. However, the month before wasn’t that great.

Bruskewitz says it was 4 years ago that they lost two county board supervisors, Hintzman and Lyman Anderson. She says she is one of the lucky ones that got to serve with them and wanted to have everyone think of them. She says when she walks into the chambers she has the feeling they are still here.

Bruskewitz also says that the RTA resolution has been introduced and it is a monumental moment. She has great concerns of costs of it and ability for the public to participate in understanding what it is about. She has two requests, one is that she wants to know if changes can be made since this is mostly statutory language. McDonell says that is committee work. She asks if corporation counsel could get them information on that. McDonell says form of RTA is set in statute but you could delete some language that won’t have any affect on the creation.

Bruskewitz also asks if the 2010 budget has any money in it for the RTA. McDonell says the Executive Budget does not. She understand the 2010 budget has no line for the RTA but she asks if there are any line items for the RTA. McDonell says no.

deFelice and McDonell each made another announcement, but I missed them cuz I was talking. My bad.

Then, the rest of the agenda passed as recommended without comment . . . and the meeting ended at 7:17 (according to the clock on the wall). Or 7:20 (according to my computer and phone). Or 7:19:40 according to Ferrell. Prior to the meeting he had guessed 7:22 so he was watching closely and was most likely correct. Bruskewitz was quick to note it would have been shorter if she hadn’t dragged it out . . .

1. Claims Recommended for Approval
2. Claims Recommended for Denial

1. Ord. Amdt. 18, 09-10 – Amending Chapter 18, Regarding Access to Public Records (Adopt)
2. Res 51, 09-10 – Authorizing an Agreement with the Village of Oregon for the Reconstruction of CTH MM and CTH CC Intersection (Adopt)
3. Res. 120, 09-10 – Authorizing an Addendum to Agreement to Provide for the Sale of Space in the City-county Building to the City of Madison and to Reallocate the Proportionate Operational Costs (Adopt)
4. Res 137, 09-10 – Approving the Sale of County-Owned Property at 501 East Badger Road, Madison to the Center for Resilient Cities (Adopt)
5. Res 139, 09-10 – To Cancel Illegal Tax Certificates (Adopt)

1. Res 113, 09-10 – Awarding of Professional Services Contracts Department of Human Services – CDBG (Adopt Sub 1)
2. Res. 124 09-10 – Authorizing a Petition for Annexation the City of Verona for Land at Badger Prairie County Park (Adopt/Adopt Sub 1)
a. Willet moved sub 1, Matano seconded.

1. Res 121, 09-10 – Addendum for Fly Dane 2009 – 2010 Digital Orthophotography & Terrain Project (Adopt)


N. ADJOURNMENT – Until Thursday, Oct 22, 2009, 7:00PM for a Public Hearing on the county Executives Proposed 2010 Budget, Or Call of the Chair


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